17th June to 31th August

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by Sternchen1988_1, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. Sternchen1988_1

    Sternchen1988_1 New Member

    Does anyone from the Paris interview got those dates as well? I will work in Attractions :)
  2. Jandro07

    Jandro07 New Member

    I got from the 10th June to 31st August! And I'll work in Attractions too ;D
  3. Sternchen1988_1

    Sternchen1988_1 New Member

    That's also cool. Hope we will get a cool attraction!!! But it is still such a long time until June... I would like to go right now. Where are you from?
  4. Jandro07

    Jandro07 New Member

    Me too! I'm already counting down the days...

    I'm from Valencia, Spain. I think I will be the only spaniard in the Summer Program, haha. Where are you from?
  5. Sternchen1988_1

    Sternchen1988_1 New Member

    I'm from Germany. Near Stuttgart. When have you had yor interview? Also on Friday? Even if you are the only spain on the program there will be so many guest and cast memebers which are from mexico so at least you won't miss your language. What do you study?
  6. Anahidisney

    Anahidisney New Member


    I'll be there from June 10th to August 31st, and I'm from FRance :)
    I'll also be working at attraction !! I hope it'll be a cool one !
    Are you all taking the plane with International services, or are you buying the plane ticket yourself?
  7. Sternchen1988_1

    Sternchen1988_1 New Member

    I Bought it by myselfe. Since I'm from Germany it would be a lot of stress to first come to Paris and fly from there. However it is a very cool idea from international services to arrange a flight. I'll fly together with my boyfriend from frankfurt to fort lauderdale und drive up. We land at 4 pm and I think we will be in Orlando around 10.
  8. Jandro07

    Jandro07 New Member

    I had the interview the 6th, monday. I'm studying Modern Languages, English and French, so it's a good chance to practise languages!

    I will also book the plane tickets by myself, I'll arrive on June 9th (I'll spend the first night in a B&B or something to have the entire 10th to do the paperwork, going to the groceries, etc.) and depart around the first or second week of September, to make a trip after the program.
  9. Sternchen1988_1

    Sternchen1988_1 New Member

    That is also nice. I have school until the 15 th of June which means it is not possible to go earlier because I first need to drive back from school which is about seven hours ( I study in the Netherlands) and then I would like to spend two days with my family before I depart. After the program I have to go home straight away since school already will start again in the first week of September. But I alrady saw a lot in the States and I hope that it will be possible to come around a little bit during the program. I would likr to do the disney cruise again but I think it is not possible because it departs on thursday and I think we won't be able to take three days off a week.
  10. Anahidisney

    Anahidisney New Member

    I think I'll take my own tickets too, since I found a flight from Paris arriving at Orlando on the 8th June and leaving on September 1st for ONLY 489€ .. yeah ... sales , until the 21st of February , so I'm kind of in a hurry. I'm also kinda planning a mini trip to somewhere since I have never been to the US, I'd like to plan somthing, but I still don't know where I'll go , NY sounds like an option ... :)
    Also, did any french people received the welcome email, like, the "official one", after you said you accepted the position they offered, did you receive any answer to that mail ? I sent them an email on thursday an still hasven't got an answer.....
  11. Sternchen1988_1

    Sternchen1988_1 New Member

    I didn't got an e- mail yet, my boyfriend as well. So no worries. I think they where busy with sending the acceptance e- mails last week. I think they will send us next week or the week after more details. I think international services will advice us to book the flight after we received the visa but that is really late. Last time I also booked my flight right after getting accepted and this time I also already booked it because it gets more expensive as closer you come to the departure
  12. Anahidisney

    Anahidisney New Member

    Yeah, I think I'm gonna book my flight tomorrow :) Because it's really cheaper than what I exêcted, and it would be a reliefto have a ticket THAT cheap. I'm just hoping they won't be any problems with the dates I chose. Oh and, does anyone ever heard of Disney delaying the starting date of the programm ? I'm just really worried for nothing :)
  13. Sternchen1988_1

    Sternchen1988_1 New Member

    I don't think that they delay your date. I've never heard about that before. The only problem you may get is a delay in the via procedure which would mean you have to arrvie later. Normally this doesn't happen but that's why they tell you to book the flight after receiving the visa. But no worry, I know so many people which booked there flight long time before going and haven't had any problems. But maybe you can make an isurance for the flight if you feel saver. The fligt you found is really cheap, what do you fly with? Air france?
  14. Anahidisney

    Anahidisney New Member

    Ok thanks fr this information :)
    I'd be flying with American Airlines, they have reallyyy cheap fares right now. But I think it's only until the 21st of Fubruary. I might book my flight tomorrow !!I'm sooo looking forward to going to Floridaa :)
  15. Sternchen1988_1

    Sternchen1988_1 New Member

    Yes, I als really look forward to it. I stii have to book a car now to come from fort lauderdale to orlando but I think this has still time
  16. leilasalhi

    leilasalhi New Member

    Hey guys !

    I'm French and I also got a position from the 10th June to the 31st August in Quick Food & Beverage. And I was on the 6th February at the Paris interview.

    I also plan to arrive on 9th June and travelling a few weeks after the program.
  17. Jandro07

    Jandro07 New Member

    Wow, I checked the flights from Paris with AA and they're really cheap! I can't go the 8th because I'll have my last exam that day, the 9th are quite expensive, but I found June 10th to September 9th for just 530€! And a flight from my city to Paris is not expensive.

    But do you think arriving at 17.45 is very late for doing the paperwork and stuff?

    I'm not worried about the VISA, since there are some insurances that cost less than 10€ in case we don't get it in time.

    Can't waiiiit!
  18. Sternchen1988_1

    Sternchen1988_1 New Member

    No, that will be fine, there is not a lot of paperwork to do when you arrive, you'll get a few documents and a shedule and than they will bring you to the appartment. The main paperwork you do the next day. Last time I arrived at 11 in the appartment complex and it was okay. The only problem might be with buying some groceries. Last time no bus was running at this time so we only had some chips and an apple which we got from housing until the next day. I think from Europe most of the flights arrive in the late afternoon. I would go for the cheapest flight.
  19. bryanfoster87

    bryanfoster87 New Member

    I'll be there from May 6th to August 3rd! I'm coming from Canada!
  20. Sternchen1988_1

    Sternchen1988_1 New Member

    Wow, your summerholiday starts really early. Which position will you work at?

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