Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by CineStephie, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. Gail_d1985

    Gail_d1985 New Member

    Yea, Cardiff's good, but the only thing 2 do really is cinema, pub or bowling! there's only so many times u can do all those in a week! and it's worse 4 me cos i live 20 mins away from cardiff so there's even less 2 do!! lol!
  2. -Jamie-

    -Jamie- New Member


    Jamie here, I work for the Royal Mail so I can probrably help.

    It depends when they send the packs out really and it depends how much striking their is in your area (its worse generally the farther north you go.). If they sent them when they told us it should be thursday.. it really depends on when they sent it. If they send them after the strike they should be 3/4 days.

  3. Bringing the Magic

    Bringing the Magic New Member

    Cool! Great to know I'm not the only one going then! lol.
    I'm still waiting for my pack but the postal strikes are kinda bad here atm :(
    So where are you thinking of flying from?? guessing my nearest airport would be Manchester.
    Looking forward to seeing you there! :)
  4. angelamy9

    angelamy9 Member

    Yeeeeah Ben i got my date changed!!! Im goin March 11th!!!! Woooooooo ;D

  5. cowza

    cowza New Member

    Oh that's awesome Amy! I may cross paths with you afterall! That's brilliant!

  6. Clairey2302

    Clairey2302 New Member

    I know!!

    It's brilliant!!

  7. PrincessPurple

    PrincessPurple New Member

    Woooooo yeah, same date as me, yayness! xx
  8. congrats hun only days before me so unfair! hehe xx
  9. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Good to see you got your date changed Amy! :D
  10. klingon911

    klingon911 New Member

    Well its worse for me i live in Cardiff!

    Still, theres plenty of clubs and bars to get pissed in every Friday and Saturday nite lol!
  11. lucy_corfu

    lucy_corfu New Member

    wooooo amy im happy for you as well. yaya u are going out earlier than me!! xx
  12. cowza

    cowza New Member

    Well its worse for me i live in Cardiff!

    Still, theres plenty of clubs and bars to get pissed in every Friday and Saturday nite lol!

    Haha I agree. But if you don't like getting pissed you're a bit screwed really. This is why programmes such as the Disney ones exist. Haha.

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