Just saw that 'Alton Towers' talk was overtaking another board so thought I'd start up a new thread! For those of you who are Alton Towers experts (Sara and the like) I have a question: What is the best time of year to go, i.e when the least busy time? I can't believe they closed the black hole, it was practically the scariest ride there because it always felt it was going to shake right off the tracks! Beth :-*
Hey Beth, congratulations on the job I bet your thrilled. The best times I have been to Alton Towers has been in September after all the school kids have gone back to school. However, I think you are going to be very busy throughout September hey?! Jess x
I cant stand Alton Towers, to put it simply; ridiculous queues, over-rated rides, waste of money. Does anybody else feel this way?
Sara is so gonna love this thread! Beth - Like Jess said any day when schools are in... Maybe go in the next few months... (but check its not half term etc...) Im gutted they got rid of blackhole too was always convinced my car would go off the track! Feeona - maybe im biased cos im from Staffs but i love the towers... However me and my friends would tend to go when our school was off and other schools were in. Dont think ive ever been when its busy. Longest queue when ive been there is 45 minutes but i know thats not the case in the holidays! Also i knew people who lived in Alton and Denstone and got free passes... I guess i had kind friends cos id get in for free or at worst half price if they didnt have many passes left. xxx
i love alton towers, but only when there are no ques! i'v been in the summer holidays and could only go on like 5 rides, but in school time its great with no lines... One thing i love is Hex... but no one else i know likes it! :-X
Yea Stu, Hex is wicked, if not a bit bizzaire - they could have worked a little harder on the theming, 'be afraid, a tree wrapped in chains is coming to get you! WOOooOOoo!!' haha.
Hex is the only ride I actually feel ill when I exit!!! I still ride it tho as its such a weird feeling! Love air but only when on front row, it makes such a big difference. Nemesis is my all time favourite though. Cant stand corkscrew as my head gets totally battered against the sides of the headrests and I end up with a splitting headache for the rest of the day! Just spoke to a friend and he said he might take me when I go home for Easter yippee, however kids will be off school so long queues and Rita wont be open yet :'( Jess x
Hey Gals and Guys, U know I have only heard about Alton Towers. Lets say I am searching for info about the park. Can u tell me what the best rides are? I really wanna know. See ya Robb ;D
Hey Robb, check out Towers website at www.alton-towers.co.uk. I love most of the rides there including the big coasters and the old classics such as runaway mine train, log flume and iver rapids. Hope this helps. Jess x
I looove alton towers, go to uni 30mins away so get to go quite often! I love Oblivion! and Nemesis the best, did like Air, until I got stuck on it facing down for and hour! Hex is really good, but a bit lacking on the story front!
i know this isnt about alton towers, but its kinda in the theme. have any of you guys heard about the new ride on top of the stratosphere in las vegas?? oh gosh it sounds so scary!! youre flung round the building facing the street below!! and if anyones seen pic....the stratosphere's REALLY REALLY high up!....um think i might give that one a miss!!! xxx
Hey Gals and Guys, Hey Jess. WOW!!!! It seems such a cool park!!!!! It will surely be one of "got to see" places when I get the chance to go to the U.K. Hey have u got other amusement parks?? This is really interesting.. In Mexico City we have got 2. Six Flags and an old themed fair See ya Robb ;D
totally disagree 5000000% there but im biased! so i mean let me justify that....... queues - only queues when ppl chose 2 go the busy times of the year, like come on what do u expect biggest tourist attraction in the UK in the summer and ur not gona get queues? ppl need to be realistic! rides - aren't over rated, may be well marketed, and what not but its not dis similar to other attractions waste of money - not really, compare it to the likes of other places, yeah its £28 but ppl go to blackpool for the same reason and its more money. and all those above, if u criticise alton towers for that, ur criticising disney, cos all those factors above are the same, yeah its not on the same scale and the climate is obviously better but still u queue, u pay a lot of money, and a lot of rides as u put it maybe over-rated! again my opinion, but after havin first hand experience it does wind me up sorry if ive gone ott, but im v passionate about where i work, and i can never understand why ppl slate it for factors other places have 2! xxx
The queues used to be bad but they have that Disney-esque fast track ticket system now so it's all better
hey robb the uk has quite a few theme parks/amusement parks. alton towers is the biggest, and most successful, and it belongs to a group called the tussauds group, where there are other parks *similar to disney grouping, but a lot lot smaller* where there are two other parks thorpe park and chesssington world of adventures which are located in london. there is also legoland windsor, in london. in the midlands there are 2 other theme parks american adventure *not very popular*, and drayton manor which is quite successful the 2nd biggest one in the uk is blackpool pleasure beach in the northwest of england. there are a lot of little theme parks but those are the major ones i can recall. sorry its a long post, theme parks are my speciality, degree wise etc, so there u go xxx
i know stole it from disney a bit ey, yeah on major rides u can get free fasttrack tickets *like fast pass at disney*, on nemisis & air. theres also a shortcut ticket which u can buy for £5 now, entitling u to 4 rides *changes every week* but includes nemesis, air, oblivion, the flume, new ride rita, rapids, and all major rides. gives u a time slot to go on it, but only operation when its busy id recommend 2 anyone wantin 2 go 2 towers go soon, this weekend it was dead!! i swear to god we usually get 12,000 ish every weekend day, we had 4397 on saturday and 3200 yesterday *when i left @ 4* so it wudnt have reached 3500, no queues or anythin! xxx
That's really interesting that it was so empty this weekend Sara, I suppose a lot of people assume the weekends will be busy, so stay away. I love Alton Towers, my only complaint is its's location! If I want to go for the day from home it takes about 4-5 hours to drive there and I can never really enjoy it because all I can think about is the long drive home. It's a bit better going from uni (Liverpool) but still takes a while to get to, and I'm so bad at directions that I always get lost, especially since its kind of in the middle of now-where! Is it worth staying in a hotel for the night? Or are they a total rip-off? Beth :-* @Lindsey: I've seen pics of that new Las Vegas ride, it looks terrifying, especially since I'm not great with heights!
it is worth stayin in a hotel, if u go for the alton towers hotels they can be expensive, but bookin online they have special offers, sometimes with or without theme park tickets included but u get water park entry as well! its good 4 me cos i get 25% off hotels and 40 free entrances a year to the park, or any tussauds park! otherwise uttoxeter has travelodges and travel inns to stay in as well as loads of b&bs main reason y it was quiet is cos ppl dont realise its open yet, lack of tv/media marketing, cos they r tryin 2 hold off until 'rita queen of speed' opens april 1st! xxxx
Woohoo i'm going to alton towers a week tomorrow (Tuesday 22nd) cant wait, of course I am not gonna get to ride Rita but only paying £18 coz there is a good deal on internet if you go before April, plus most of the schools wont have broken up for Easter so should be fairly quiet! Jess x
i was gona say its £18 on there, theres also a BOGOF somewhere online but i dont know if thats certain dates awww im workin then, u should come say hey xxx