Hey Gals and Guys, I was thinking, u know when we think about animated classics. we all think on Disney ones. This is a forum to remember those animated movies done by other companies that have enjoyed us as well. As for me goes, the first American Tale, is to cry loads, but really nice movie. As well as Anastacia. And the First Land Before Time. What do u think? Any other? Robb ;D
Space Jam was good....it was half animated! I loved An American Tail too....*somewhere, out there...* - had me in floods of tears...I imagined it being me and my brother!! and The Land Before Time...only the first one tho....I loved Cera (such a cool name!!) - haven't there been like 10 of those films now!? The Snowman was a cool film...so sad when he melts!! and guaranteed to always be on at christmas!! I can't really think of any more that aren't Disney films....other animated films don't really have the same sort of appeal as Disney ones! Ellen xxx
The Iron Giant is quite recent animation, and is so good, I was in tears at the end :'( Also, it has some famous voices in it, including Vin Diesel and Jennifer Aniston! The Land Before Time is a classic, "some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart" .. actually thats one of those films that I haven't seen very much, but know the trailor off-by-heart because it was at the beginning of some video I used to watch a lot (have no idea what). One of my favourate non-disney animations is All Dogs Go To Heaven, it has such great characters and music! I've see it so many times, what a classic! I also love 'Fern Gully the last rainforest' I haven't seen it for ages but love it so much, also remember it being quite scary!
Love the Iron Giant and All dogs go to heaven. Most of my other faves are newer ones like Shrek and Shark Tale
I also loved An American Tail, infact thinking about it makes me want to watch it again now! Was the 2nd one called Fieval Goes west? that was okay, but an american tale was go great. I just looked and there actually at least 4 films in the series! I can't find an america tale on dvd though
if anyone is interersted there are quite a few american tail videos on ebay going for around £1-£2! . i may have to place a bid
I don't think I could bear to watch it again! Mind you I dont think it beats Dumbo for tear factor!!!! Jess x
god, american tail just reminds me of being young, and of my sister and I both crowding into my grandfathers big armchair. We used to go to his house after school every day and it was one of our favourites, we'd just sit and eat stew while we watched. Ahh, the memories.
Hey Gals and Guys, Cool u liked the topic. Hey u know as for me American Tale, is so dramatic. Poor Fievel , he seems to be 4 year old, and everything , I mean EVERYTHING happens to him. And also u see him cry, but it is really nice. Yeah the 2nd American Tale, is Fievel Goes West, it is cool, but not as the first one. It is way funnier, and it is more for kids. Hey and the Land Before Time is also very dramatic at first, when Littefoot looses his mother. And he begans walking all along. The bad thing is that I went to shopping center, and I found out that there is even. Land Before Time 7!!!!!!!!!! Dont spoil good flims like that!!!!!!!!! Please, I also hate 2nd version of Disney movies. The only second versions I like is Shrek and Toy Story. I think another Incredibles cool be WAY cool. See ya Robb ;D
Hey Stu, U r always online rite??? u always get the best prices the best products. and great photos. Thats cool. See ya Robb ;D
To be honest i actually cheat... i don't find all the stuff myself! i read another message board and when good stuff comes up i put the links on this site :-X ;D
Hey Gals and Guys, Hey Stu, that something very cool. Is because it seems that u r always on top of things, with all the info and pics. Great advice mate!! Hey, u know I am rite now watching Anastasia. And it is one of the movies I like the most. Just how Rasputin gets into pieces all over the movie. Hey does any of u like the Prince of Egypt? See ya Robb ;D
don bluth!!my fav animator.........hes was part of disney at first....................... cool animated classics........littlefoot.................peatree...........cera............. spikeeeeeeeeee and of course cute ducky the land before time.....tear jerker :'(...........ooh and all dogs go to heaven ! count ducula is a great cartoon ,,,,check it out.....
Hey Gals and Guys Hey is Duckula, the one that only drinks ketchups instead of blood?? and has got a quite big nanny? It was way fun!!! Do anyone liked or know the Wuzzles?? The character what were half animal hafl another animal?? Hope u r cool Robb ;D