Hey all, I'm flying out next sunday, although don't know when or where yet!! Just wondering how many others are heading out to disney on this day?
Yay another person! Woooo hoooo! ;D I'm flying out on Sunday too. There are a few of us here (5 I believe) who are heading out then. Although according to CMUs email, there appears to be about 40 of us arriving! I take it you are on the J1 Academic Program? What are your roles? Where are you flying from? So many questions. lol. I'm flying from Glasgow. Should get to Vista about 3pm. Have you got your visa etc.? All ready to go? ;D Ona x
SO glad there are more of us out there!! I've got my visa sorted, and I'm waiting for Disney to get back to me lettign me know when my flight will be, not sure yet - which seems crazy!! Think I'll be flying from a London airport though. I'm doing the college programme, doing the hospitality strand, so in the hotels and stuff, how bout you?
Phew got my visa this morning. Yay! ;D Hope everything went okay today Paul. We're both on the year long J1 Academic Program doing merch then operations (or attractions depending on which letter you read : ;D). Are there lots of folks going from you uni? Paul and myself are both grads and hence, loners. ;D Lol! ;D In the respect that other folks all seem to be arriving in big groups from their respective unis. 4 days folks. 4 days! Ona x
All in all I think there are 6 of us going from my uni (Huddersfield) but I'm heading out on my own!! We're all doing slightly diff things, hence diff departure dates. I got my visa at the end of last week, but I still haven't been given my flight details yet - its soo soon, and I feel so unready - but in a strangly good way!! Its crazy to think we're gunna be there a whole year?! Not long now.............
Ona we are not Loners we are just emm wonderful people the others have yet to meet!!!!! Got my Visa today!!!!!!!!
Yay we're all set! ;D Ahem... indeed Paul... fabulous folks.... ;D What time does your flight get in Nicky? I reckon we're gonna have the rest of the first day to ourselves pretty much. Who's up for a spot of Wally-World and perhaps some exploring? I'll have the car so no worries yay! ;D Ona x