Has anyone heard the track "million dollars"Its such a great song by the bare naked ladies,I bought the Cd in yep uve guesssed it ORlando!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wall-mart goota love the Wal mart Natx ;D
I Love BNL they came over to Glasgow in November and I went to see them! I love their" old apartment" song. It's my brother who got me into them! We met Kev outside the gig!! Don't you think Ed is cute?!!! "if I had a million dollars - i'd buy you a fur coat but not a real fur coat cause that's cruel!!"
;D ;D ;Dwowww lcuky u!!!!! 8) i also love that track i think lovers in a dangerous time is totally great to!!!!!!!!! ed is very cute!! ;D what was kev like????? We wouldn't have to eat Kraft Dinner But we would eat Kraft Dinner Of course we would, we'd just eat more And buy really expensive ketchups with it That's right, all the fanciest ketc... dijon ketchups! Mmmmmm, Mmmm-Hmmm
Well, they are heard alot in Canada since they are Canadian band lol Their stuff are really good Gary
Kev was a very busy man!! I felt like I was annoying him!! I was though! I was wearing a Canada t.shirt to the gig and the rep asked me if I wanted free merhandise cause he loved my t.shirt!! I got it in Calgary! "........like a lama or an emu!!" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!