Hey Gals and Guys??? U know I was just wondering, have any of u have bought something through internet? I know i may sound stupid but u know I do not know if it is 100% sure. I am actually waiting to be there in Orlando to try it for the first time. Is because I love the Friends seasons but here in Mexico each season is like aroun 80 - 100 dollars And I am not joking. Can u believe it??!!!! And I have seen the around 30 bucks each on Amazon. Thanks See ya Robb ;D
Hi, I buy stuff through the internet all the time! Its really quick, easy and usually a lot cheaper, and amazon are a good site, really safe. So why not, but warning buying through the internet is addictive ! U will never leave ur house again! and make sure u only use large sites to buy stuff like Amazon, otherwise it could be stolen objects or illegal. and friends is the best, so thats another great reason Sarah
Hi, I love buying on the internet, (mainly because I'm on here all day at work!! Oops!) I bought most of my christmas presents this year off of the internet, and even buy from the US and have it sent the UK, which works out much cheaper than buying it here, even when you've added postage! To know if the site is sucure there should be a little padlock symbol down the the far bottom right hand corner of the screen, they usualy also advertise if their site is secure to stop people worrying, but if your not 100% try e-mail the site first and asking. You should be able to have Amazon send the series to Mexico, but you'll have to check what the limits for customs is, here in the UK the limit is £18 or around $30, after that you have to pay tax once it gets to this country. (Really annoying!!) Hope this helps Have fun surfing! Kerry
Yeah, I do it a lot as well, and I've never had any problems so far (touch wood! ) I know my mum bought most of my familys christmas presents on there as well. Me and a lot of friends do it, so I shouldn't worry too much- but Kerry and Sarahs advice is good and well worth doing if you're unsure! Charlotte x
Brought through internet loads and never once had a problem. Used amazon loads too and they are excellent - even took back an item I wasn't happy with with a full refund
Hey!!! Thanks a lot!!! Wow, thanks for all ur advices. Wow, now I am sure that buying at Amazon is secure. Wow, guess I am going to buy a season per month, U know great expenses by little cost less. Thanks a lot, yeah I have checked to buy them here and ship them to Mexico, but the postage is quite high, so i prefer waiting and buy it in the U.S. for little cost in postage. Thanks a lot Robb ;D
Have you tried www.playusa.com? they seem to have the boxsets for $35-$55 at then moment, I don't know if they shi to mexico or not though, you'd have to check.