Commons Vista way or Chatham ??

Discussion in 'Walt Disney World College Program' started by Dav, May 25, 2006.

  1. Dav

    Dav New Member

    Hi guys
    i have a little question for you ?
    Do you know in wich complex we will live ? i hope it will be The Commons ( Finger Crossed) but if some one have more information i'd like to know .

    Thx all .
  2. hockey_town_canada

    hockey_town_canada New Member

    If im not mistaken most of the College Program people stay in Vista and Chatham and the Cultural Program people stay in the Commons I could be wrong but I think thats the way it goes..... anyone help out a little further with that??
  3. Elena123

    Elena123 New Member

    Hello guys!
    Well the answer to your question is Vista way or chatham, that's the only two places they send CPs ...The commons is mostly for the IP and during my year I don't think I remember any americans, I don't know why but I guess they don't want to mix people... :-[
  4. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    The Commons regularly gets to full to accomodate all the cultrual reps, so I would say there is almost no chance of being at the Commons. I would suspect Vista again - I can't recall any ICPs last year at Chatham.
  5. KC

    KC New Member

    So far, every ICPer I've heard about this year has been in Vista.

    I might have heard about some being in Chatham, but I think they were all in Vista...

  6. Katie_M

    Katie_M New Member

    The only people I have met from Chatham were american CPs; this could just be that I haven't met that many from Chatham... but I think it might just be americans. All of the new canadian ICPs were brought to Vista and I know that all of the new ICPs from South America were brought to Vista.
  7. Dav

    Dav New Member

    Ok so i think that i have to forget the commons :-\ .
    But i'd like to lnow if there is the same things inn the other complex i mean Internet in each flat and a pool ?
  8. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    All complexes have internet access and pools :)
  9. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    Do we have to pay for laundry??
  10. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Yes :( But it's very cheap :)

    (Those in the Commons don't though, iirc)
  11. Spaztaz

    Spaztaz New Member


    Yea I hear that it only costs a few dollars to do a wash!
    I think our costumes get cleaned at Disney though so we dont ahve to worry about them
  12. Ona

    Ona Member

    Man, that's one thing I'm really gonna miss about the Commons. :( :D

    True, Disney can wash your costumes for you, but most folks soon realise it's actually less hassle just to wash your own. :-\

    Carting those (potentially heavy) costumes with you can be a pain in the ass. You'll also need to be at work a whole lot earlier (or later ::)) to pick up your new costumes. Pluuuuuuus, finding one that actually fits is quite a feat. Hence, when you do, you're gonna wanna hang on to it, rather than handing it back to costuming. :-\

    Ona x
  13. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I have no problem with finding ones that fit :D

    And I like not having to do washing for weeks as I don't wear anything else apart from PJ's and costumes!

    Oh except today seeing as it was my day off! Got cherry lolly down my cream skirt grrrrrrrrrrr :mad:
  14. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    Okay so I was reading in Kevin's blog that some people were placed in the Tree House Villas. I definately don't want to be there, is Vista Way filling up? What are my chances of not getting placed there? Anyone know?
  15. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Hey are there any Canadains on here that took the June 4th (today) arrivial date for the H2-B program? I'd be really interested in knowing where you (they) were placed.

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