Hi, I just found a great site where you can input the date of any event and you can make a count down for the event (like the one below ;D ). You can customise it and choose the colours and symbols and stuff. When it is done if you choose the bbCode code version you can copy and paste it into the signiture section of your profile The website is www.tickerfactory.com 8)
Hey stu_uk, what a great idea... this "ticker thing" makes the waiting process even more exciting.... later!! jess
Stu...how great is that....Thanks for letting us know!! Of course I had to go ahead and steal your idea... ;Dhehe But I am sure there will be planty more thieves coming up!!! Stef
thats a great idea, im still only just applying so ive decided to put the date i finish college in mine! soz its not very disney, but i dont have anything to count down to but hopefully i will if i get a phone interview ! Sarah
Hey Sarah... did u use the bbcode version?? I used the regular url first and it came out just the way urs did...then I tried the bbcode one and it worked perfectly fine... Hope that helps!! Stef
Awww thanks Stu - these are the cutest things ever! Saves working out the days all the time too! Didnt know it was a fertility site tho - i got friends staying and they were like r u trying to tell us something? Lol! xxx
yeah when i had just opened the page up my dad walked in! horrified...dont think ive been that embarrased in a while....honesly what does he think of me! xxx
Lol so not awaiting the arrival of any secret babies Stu?! Yeah the countdowns cool! Thanks for recommendation! xxx