Hey- another old game we used to play (back when the world was young etc ) was this one- the question is basically "which Disney song do these lyrics come from?" I thought I might try and resurrect it since I'll be bored back at uni soon! ;D So an easy one to start with! Over sideways and under Charlie x
Aladdin!!!! I can't wait! It comes out on DVD in a few short weeks and when I get it, I'll have all the Disney movies (Masterpiece, anyway) except for Song of the South, which as far as I know, has never been relased here in Canada!!!!
this game sounds fun......... An easy one for you all here....... "I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty"
Poor Unfortunate souls from the little mermaid! ;D 'For years, that insufferable pipsqueak has interfered with my plans.'
Oooh! the Bells of Notre Dame "Once we were behind" Charlotte x I can't find it now! Just put smilies into google and it comes up with loads of sites with them on!
Casey Junior (i only know that coz my friend worked on the Casey Junior ride at Disneyland Paris so knows it off by heart!) "and since you're shaped, like a croissant is.."
Hey Gals and Guys, It is part of "A guy like you" , from the HUnchback of Notre Dame. Here is mine. "Pain for which there ain´t no ointment" See ya Robb ;D