Disney was NOT what I expected for these reasons...

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Chalet Dude, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Yeah I should add, I didn't see much of the commons for myself, I was just going on mainly what I saw on my 5 or 6 visits there (and the ammount of still drunk/hungover people on the bus tuesday mornings) as well as what I heard from friends. I don't have much first hand experience in the commons life yet.
  2. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Your program is what you make of it. If you come here expecting a lot of stuff to happen, and to make loads of money, you're in the wrong place. I came here with no expectations...I was willing to do anything for Disney.

    The only thing that really bothers me is the people that complain, and then stay here. I know plenty of people who would jump at the chance to have their spot.

    While I didn't spend much time at The Commons (except for that Thanksgiving dinner...talk about crazy) I know a lot of people who lived/live there and not all of them were party animals. However, when/if I come back to do the IP program, I am contemplating asking them to let me live in Vista (sorry it's my home, no matter what people say about it!) or possibly Chatham (love their apartments!)

    I've nearly been down here for 11 months and have had the best time of my life. I just can't wait to get back! There are so many opportunities out here! Before I got here I could never say that I sung on stage for Disney (Candlelight Processional Cast Choir in Epcot) or that I got to go to Washington DC to speak at a conference about the College Program, or that I met to many fellow Disney Dorks (still haven't completed the Hidden Mickey Hunt...grrrrr).

    You have to be absolutely certain you want to come to work for Disney. Some of us are travelling halfway around the world where they have differrent living standards and suchlike.

    Do your research...I was the only one in my arrival group who knew anything about the College Program...all because of this board (you can find out some great information from this board, if you ask the right people!)

    So anyway...I should go start packing, get lunch, and get ready for work...it's getting busy in the Magic Kingdom...we're open until 3am on Christmas Day...argh! Good job I finish work at 12.30am...wooo.... gotta love those schedulers...sometimes hehe,


    Louisa xxx
  3. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    I'm deffo going to pack disney trivial perusit if i go for those quiet nights in when i have no money!
  4. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Thats a good plan! I'm more of a Disney Scene it person myself ;) Questions aren't as hard lol (I found with Disney TP, unless you shuffle the premade decks, if you haven't seen one of the movies you are guessing for I think it was 30 possible questions per game).
  5. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    We actually have Disney Monopoly (love that game!) The only trouble is that we don't have the time to play it! Argh.
  6. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    lol believe me I know what you mean there!
  7. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    lol i love any board games, but i disney trivia is good cos i acutally know some of the answers. I'm a sore loser :D

    i've played the monopoly one too. its awesome!!! me and my family spent hours on one game-it just wouldn't end! then again i was broke by like 30mins in as usual :-\
  8. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    If you haven't played Disney Scene it you might like it then. Not only is it a Disney trivia board game, but it's a DVD one as well so you have questions on cards like in Trivial prusuit but you also get some on your TV that follow Disney movie clips (like you could be asked to identify a character or an object from the clip, or even the name of the movie)
  9. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    im a partier and a park goer so i love everything!!!

    and in response to the original post...obviously i couldnt speak for the entire management of disney, but all of my training was well organised, managers were professional and approachable, and i absolutely loved every minute of working for disney! i cant wait to go back!
  10. kahluafan

    kahluafan New Member

    Yeah i can't wait to get out there and get partying, will be wicked to see how hard you US guys party compared to us UK peeps, us students can certainly put it away!

    It really does sound like the experience is what you make it, i know from friend's experiences that it changes you massively and sometimes its a good things, sometimes it isn't, but you ain't gonna know unless you give it a try! I've got just over a year until i go, so i know i've got time to think about it, but i know i wanna try it for def.!
  11. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    For the record books......I am here at the Commons now and we DO NOT drink and although you DO feel left out...............you can ALWAYS have an AMAZING time no matter WHAT here!! There is a group of us that DO NOT drink.........I mean WE CANbut choose NOT TO!! We go to the parks...have Disney themed games nights......eat out.....we will be taking advantage of the cruise lines......we even booked LEAF tickets in January in Tampa!! There are those of us out there that can still have fun and NOT get trashed but you can do WHATEVER you like here.....it is WAY easier to meet people if you go to the parties around the commons but you DO NOT have to drink.......you want oget TERMED quickly here.....drink underage........but you can ALWAYS find us out and about having a BLAST!!
  12. germandy

    germandy New Member

    hey everyone,
    well, i just been reading all your posts and i ahve to say that whoever has doubts about going or not....GO!!!!i cannot do anything but try...before i left i did not know weather this was gonna be something for me cuz i was not a partygirl at all....i still went and i dont regret a second....
    i had so many ups and downs. if u were down then it definately was way lower then u thought but the ups and the great experiences overweighted the bad times so much more.
    i have been back for 3 weeks now and i have to say that i miss this place so much more then i thought...well, the people.
    ruben, i like what i wrote, i think we could have gotten along pretty damn good. the 2nd half of my program i think i would have been so much better of in the mexican pavillion :). i love them....i went to ciudad de mexico to visit friends and i ahve to say mexicans are th emost warming and welcoming people in the world....plus the cantina always had something to eat for you *lol*.

    To all that are about to go or are still thinking...it WILL be the best time you life...it cannot be bad....just depends on what u make of it...travel, party, dance...do whatever

    when i first got there i was not a party girl, i was underaged and not a big drinker anyway...but try to stay away if u party with mexicans *lol*...vodka-coke...vodka-orange....bacardi....no tequila( to hard *lo*) i partied at the end but never too much and let me tell you, there is not much partying going on there anymore cuz security pretty much terminates everything....i have a friend of mine she never went to any parties but she still enjoys it....she actually got an extension for 3months...which sucks cuz i wanted to do it but did not extend for one month( cuz they said at this point 1 or nothing) cuz its christmas time....

    so anyway, i miss this place so much but i know i found friends for a lifetime weather it is in germany, mexico, or even canada...i love them all to death and you wish u could spend more time with them...where else can u just call a friend and be over there within 5 minutes( well, if u have to go from building 5 to 28 it can take a while cuz u meet a few people *lol*)??!!

    u might not think it happens often but there are couples that stay together after the program....congrats to those :)

    i'd do anything to go back right now so to all who are still there....ENJOY!!!

    ok, i guess thats enough ;D


  13. Guido

    Guido New Member

    Louisa, let me ask u one question... so it's possible to join a choir there and to sing on stage? I would love that...

    Personally I like partying and stuff, but I'm not really into alcohol... vodka redbull can be nice sometimes, but I'm really NO hardcore drinker and and I'm not willing to become one there...

    It's good to hear that u have different possibilities to live ur life there... Good thing is: I'm not a person who let's himself force to do something, so I won't have a problem.

    Hope I will have some nice roommates... lol ;)
  14. Chalet Dude

    Chalet Dude Guest

    Well, I regret leaving the warm Florida weather...I do have good news! I am starting my new career with Fairmont Resorts in May. I'll be working in F/B in St. Andrews, New Brunswick for 6 months, then transfer to work somewhere else. So I guess I'll get my travelling fix with them!!!
  15. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    GREAT to hear DUDE.....

  16. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I can never play Disney Trivia with my family because I always win :D ??? :-[
  17. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Guys this program is a life experience, if you drink or not, if you go out or not, if you have a lot of sex or ot, it will be always your choice, no one will have to tell you what to do, for some this whole year is a new experience, the experience of choice. You have that power in that whole year, if you didt drink before and you did it there don't you blme others that was your choice and you did choice to drink and so on. So what you rellay do in that year is to expereince freedom. So be carefull with your choices and face what you choose.

  18. dryice7670

    dryice7670 New Member

    Hey I would like to say that I disagree with the original post also. Sure the program isn't for everyone, I have seen a lot of people leave voluntarily and a lot get termed while I was down there but I loved it. I am a Disney fan but still I didn't want to leave I was on the program for 13 months I even had to extend a bit, until they kicked me out pretty much.

    I was there from March 05 till April 06 and I will do anything that I possibly can to go back. I am not a partier, or drinker and for all your new people who are worried about that, let me tell you that if you don't drink or party there is a lot to do without that. There are also enough people there that are just like you. Just go it is something that you will love. It is definitely a year of your life that not everyone gets to do and something that will look very good on your resume..

    Anyways just wanted to put my opinion in. Chris

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