ok, since the uk is covered in snow just wondered how many people actually liked it??? and who actaully hates it??? I luv the snow i think its fab! Sarah
i like it when its proper snow where you can go sledging and stuff, otherwise it is annoying! a couple of days ago as i was leaving school it started snowing, but all slush puppyish snow, and not nice snow, and by the time i got to the bus i was wet and cold, and the driver said the heating was broken so i had to sit for ages freezing! :'(
Hey Gals and Guys, How have u been? Well it seems very obvious to mention it, but I will. I love snow, at least in my dreams!! I dream of having a white Xmas, with sleds and snow men. It is the typical idea of Xmas, here in Mexico it gets cold, but it is hell dry. I do enjoy making snow angels, I did once in Winnipeg. and u know I just love cold weather. Going out and feel ur breath freezing , and it is so nice to leave in cold weather. They also say it is good to ur health. The ones living in the cold live longer than those in hot places. See ya Robb ;D
Hey I like it when its proper stuff and it settles and you can actually play in it. In Bath for like 2 days, it would just stop start stop start all day, and never settle at all! It got really annoying by the end. Quite liked it when it started snowing in London yesterday as me and Ellen were going to get the tube! Was quite a nice ending ;D Charlotte x
i know what u mean -we had that as well! never seems to want to settle! I really seem like a little kid when it starts to snow -u saw what i wrote on the other post! but after all that, it rained so the snow went -and it still hasn't stopped raining - oh well back to normal british weather!
ususlly i hate snow. a total pain in the *ss! however ive come across a different way of thinking this year! see. i wont see snow next year! and ive realise, although i hate it, I will miss it next year! it wont seem like christmas in a warmish climate! and seen as i ont get snow next year, im enjoying it this year! xx
So, there should be two types of weather, cold and snowing (proper stuff) or hot and sunny! no inbetween ;D ;D
I like snow but i dont like it when you have to drive in it or walk in it as Im usually the one who ends up slipping over!!! But like Lindz said Im appreciating it at the moment as in two weeks time Ill be in 80 degree heat!!
Hey Gals and Guys, U know what I fear the most when I get to be on a cold winter. Driving!!!! I am so scared the car can slip off any minute. I think I will have to de 200% prevented. I remember once in Canada, I was wlaking to school and slipped off in the middle of the walkway. And as I wanted to spend all my pennies on lunch, everything flew out from my heavy weight jacket It was so embarrasing!!! :-[ And it hurt A LOT too, I fall right on one leg. Anyway, snow is fun!!!! See ya Robb ;D
im with charlotte like the proper stuff - but not the 2 minute blizzard then thats it and its true it should only be cold when there is snow lol ;D
I never missed the snow while I was in Florida ??? LOL I just hate being cold and freezing my ass off. I also neither like driving on icy roads nor walking on them. I slipped and fell on my butt a few months ago and I couldn't sit down for a whole day :-[ Julia
Although earlier i said i like proper snow, it has just come down thick and heavy here, and has settled, and more is still coming down, and it is meant to freeze tonight . That would be a good thing, cos i'd have a snow day, but i have a school trip in london tomorrow, which doesnt sound exciting, but i'v already paid for t! :'( :-X