Do you have mant parties at the Commons then?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kevinb6285, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. kevinb6285

    kevinb6285 New Member

    Just wondered if there are many parties there at the commons and what you lot get up to!? Cant wait to be part of the fun!
  2. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Hi Kevin,

    There are parties every day. The Commons is the best place on earth. Usually every party is under a specific motto and there are some that take place every other month ( at least that was the case when I was there ) like a Pink Party, Porn Party, 70's Party, White & Write Party or James Bond Party. It's pretty cool because you can be creative and every party is kinda different. Other than that there is always a big party for Halloween which is just crazy and new years parties. You also gonna have the throw ins to look forward to where specific countries welcome their new arrivals. And if there is no party in the Commons there will surely be a club to go to at P.I.!

    have fun
  3. Carol

    Carol New Member

    Sounds Amazing! ;)
  4. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    oooh them parties sound right up my alley, cant wait ;)

  5. robb2020

    robb2020 New Member

    Hey Kevin.

    Welcome to the boards!!!
    Hey u know the asnwer to ur question is that, what
    I have heard of, there is a party everynight.
    except for Thursdays, because it is Pleasure Island is free for Cast Members
    So dont worry parties come out fo nowhere.
    We will have so much parties, that even sometimes we will deny an invitation.
    But hey lets hit it, while it last. don't ya think?

    See ya
    Robb ;D
  6. charlyboy

    charlyboy New Member

    There are parties EEEEEVERYDAY... even on monday & thursday which are free PI days for castmembers.. so usually u can go PI & then go to the party o chose one option.. its up to you, usually there are 2 o 3 partys at same time
    See ya
    Mexico F&B
  7. loops_li

    loops_li New Member

    2-3 parties at the same time?...Wicked, sounds fantastic!

  8. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    You will have days with 2-3 parties at a time and times when there are no parties at all. Usually to the end of your contract it all dies down a little, many of your friends left by that time, the mad party people you knew...and the new generation is filling in...
    Nevertheless you will have TONS of opportunities to party and when you don't have a Commons party to look forward to you can go to P.I., have roomie nights go to Orlando Downtown or to the movies.
  9. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    it all sounds so good and so wish i get the job so i can join in the fun
    Kel xx ;D
  10. robb2020

    robb2020 New Member

    Hey Gals and Guys,

    Guess we all be visiting Pleasure Island.
    I want to go to all the clubs, the ones I can go in, of course.
    And just rock, and enjoy everythin that Disney has got to give.
    rather than the parks.
    I wanna hit downtown Disney, and The water parks.

    There is so much to do!!
    And of course spending one night on each of the hotels!!!

    See ya
    Robb ;D
  11. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    haha i wanna go to the grand floridian hotel rob!! i saw it in a magazine once it was so beautiful. i wanna get married in it!lol not that i found the guy yet...but hey i know where i wanna het married!!haha

  12. robynchic

    robynchic New Member

    You guys will HAFTA keep me posted on these parties!
  13. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    robyn you will know about the parties anyway, coz youll be hanging at the commons with us!

  14. robb2020

    robb2020 New Member

    Hey Gals and Guys,

    How have u been?
    Hey Lindz: As for me, I would love to be in the Animal Kingdom Lodge.
    I have seen pics of it, one room with a balcony and as for background is
    the Harambe Reserve!!! It look so amazing!!!
    Also the Fort Wilderness, they say it has got a little stream in rite in the lobby,
    and I love country setting.
    Of course the Swan and Dolphin looks impressive!!!!

    Hey Robyn, u can hang with us, dont doubt about that!!

    See ya
    Robb ;D
  15. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    lol we can make our way rund all the hotels lol!

  16. robb2020

    robb2020 New Member

    Hey Gals and Guys,

    Hey Lindz: It will be so fun taking a round at all hotels!!!
    Just enjoying one nite on each
    and relaxing.....
    Hey what do u guys like to do while partying?
    I know it may sound weird but
    hey I do love dancing, but I have other freidns that prefer taking and telling jokes.
    Some others like drinking , some love to just hang.

    See ya
    Robb ;D

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