H'ok I stole this from a Facebook group (like all the best ) They called it corrupt-a-wish but that sounds terribly un-Disney so I didn't call the thread that haha... **Basically I make a wish... I wish... I could go work for Disney tomorrow! **Then the next person comes and grants my wish! Hooray! **But they corrupt it **For example they might say... Wish granted! But you are so tired by the sudden rush to get there, you get to work late and get TERMINATED! Nuuuuu! **Then they make a wish... I wish... I could fly. **Next person... Granted! But it only works for 10 minutes and you crash out of the sky! I wish... **etcetc SO I wish it could be Christmas everyday!
this game sounds like it could be lots of fun! I wish I could be in disney world to see the christmas decorations.
Granted! But you'd get there a day late and they'd all have been taken down. I wish I could sing all day every day until I die!
granted! but you signed your voice over to Ursula in exchange for a pair of legs and you can't even speak :-[ I wish I could marry orlando bloom.
Granted! But it turns out he is a closet tarantula enthusiast... I wish the central heating would work!
granted! but theres been a sudden heat wave and you should have spent the money on air con. I wish I could go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
granted but you miss the train and have to wait another year I wish I could stay in the cinderella suite at the disney hotel in DLRP
Granted, but it's so foggy you can't see the park view. I wish I could be 'friends' with the Evil Queen!
Granted! But some particularly violent child takes a bad turn and renders the Evil Queen unable to be.. an .. Evil Queen.. or any other such person.. any more. That made me sad... lol I wish I was a character in Heroes!
granted but due to the writers strike there is little point I wish I could go back to summer last year and go to WDW
Granted! But your time machine is set to the wrong date and you end up in 1908! I wish I could win the lottery and move over to Orlando permanently!
Granted but you loose the winning ticket so cant prove your win i wish i could work in disney for the year
Granted but you are stuck working as someone to clean up after the horses and other animals in WDW for the whole year. I wish I could be in Orlando right now and live and work there for the rest of my life and get my family in the parks for free anythime I want.
granted! but you wished for so many things at once there that your fairy godmother got confused and accidently sent you to live forever in Oklahoma. I wish someone would let me do voice acting on a disney film.
granted but the funding for the film falls through and Disney have to cut back and scrap your part i wish i could have a positive bank balance
Granted! But they come along and write a dissertation about Security issues at Gatwick Airport, which totally helps me and not you I wish my room at home was really tidy with space to move around so I can, as my Mum puts it, 'prance' to my music. For the record.... prancing ROCKS!
granted but the bedroom fairies tidy the wrong room and put all the things they cleared in to your room i wish i had a larger bed room with more wardrobe space
Granted, but now your wardrobe is so big your bed wont fit anymore... I wish the winter would go away so there'll be summer instead