Someone just sent me the link to this auction I havn't read it all, but the auction is for a posseseed stitch teddy who is wrecking the owners life and house!!aparently, it can't be true though! what does anyone else think???
hahahah read it all it is too much fake !! this guy is a poo liyer thats bad !! hahaha is reasons for selling it instead of just giving it is soory for the word " crap" and read that part of the priest burned thats the worst lyer that i ever heard! ... i just cant believe people who actually believe him thats insane! beybye joelle
Very very creepy- but I'm not convinced- after all- it's going for a lot of money and has generated a hell of a lot of interest! Sorry- that's the cynic in me. But it has creeped me out a bit since I have a very similar one! :-\ : Charlotte x
Ok, I read the auction... that's just odd, very creapy, but odd... I agree it's like what Stitch would do in the movie.... maybe the guy should treat Stitch the same way he's treated in the movie. Erynn
lol that's hilarious. That a guy can have that many people believe SO much that he makes 11 grand! *hunts down a scary looking teddy to sell*
What a joke!! who's been drinking loony juice!? :-\ and over $11,000...this guy's onto a good thing here...I'm with you Chloe...I've got plenty of stuffed animals that I could try and sell!! haha!! Ellen xxx
yeah what a load of much as u wanna belive teddys come to life .........hmmm i have so many teddies including a teddy stitch that can talk but he only says phrase like you can ask him  "stitch tell me a joke"he tells a joke "stictchh are you hungry" and so on............. yeah pretty smart guy not giving his address away.....think he kinda boosted up his bid a little prob got his mates to bid and take a risk ........ooh i bet hes glad.................I LOVE THE PIC OF HIM THROWING STITCH IN THE AIR AND TAKING A FOTO...YEAH sure looks like hes attcking you pretty funny tho.... : lot of crazy people ou there!!  ;D ;
OK seriously some people have a screw loose. Can't believe this went for so much, and that the guy is so mad!
yeah, but guy who bought it never paid! click on his name, and it says that it was a scam! so more bad luck for the stich! Sarah
How funny is that! i think somebody had an overactive imagination with an awful lot of time on their hands!! lol! does anyone know bout the update bid and if the alledged incidents stopped occuring once the bidder bought the toy?? this bloke should really go into novels!!
I think im gonna attatch a story to a teddy of mine and see how much I can get for it!! I can't belive they got that much for a cuddley toy!!