heya everybody! The names Sarah, 17 from L'pool in the Uk! I'm Disney obsessed (totally my dads fault heh) and am hopin to get myself out there sometime around 2006/2007 (Still in college right now) I'm soooo glad I found this site, I've been lookin for the WDWIP for sooooooo long! So glad I found it! Any q's feel free to ask! C ya all round! (P.s Good Luck to everyone who gets to go out there this year!!)
aww thanks sarah, *this is strange cos i'm sara *said sarah* and my surname begins with a c* anyway random fact there lol but hopefully u get 2 get out there, u obviously have the passion xxx
Lol! At first i wondered if youd set up a new screen name Sara - disguise how much u post! Welcome to the site Sarah! xxx
Lol! i wonder if theres a member posting limit? I think some of us on here have an oligopoly on this board! We totally dominate it! xxx
i know, its shameful it really is, i only just got over 2000 after hours of postin yest n now im almost at 2100 my life! ive only been online 2 hrs 2day as well, u 3 r a bad influence on me lol xxx
It is true. I've not been on these boards a long time, but most posts tend to turn into a Lindsay-Sara-Marie discussion!!! First one to 10,000 gets a prize!
lol thanks, we're so famous on the boards. at least u can smile about it, i bet some people r kinda angry lol xxx
Hey Sarah Welcome to the boards!! Ohh it is so cool u r planning on doin the program!!! That so cool. Hey count on us for all ur questions!!! U know they did answer lots of mine, when applying. Even more now that I am going there in 29 days!!!! Hope u the best luck!!! Robb ;D
wat is with sara(h)s and disney?? Im Sarah as well(, but im Sarah B) aged 17 from Yeovil, im applying for the international programme so we might meet along the way some time...if (fingers crossed) we get a face to face! wat are u studying at college? im doing Travel and Tourism, and have a part time job at a department store. Good luck! talk to u soon! Sarah
I guess we Sarahs just belong in the 'world' lol! Goldytap Im studying media, ict and english. Boring subjects most of the time but thats what happens when you have no idea what you wanna be lol! When are you applying for the programme? It would be great to know people before I went out there If I was accepted!
im going to apply soon, so interview (maybe) in november leave (again maybe) in March onwards. Dunno what im going to do about a job until then! I finish college in July, probably apply for job in an airport or something - random i know! But i can't think of a job that would be for the winter only! so r u applying to get a job at disney summer 2006? when do u turn 18? Sarah
I turn 18 this October but won't be leaving college till about next June/July so Im looking to get out there either 2006 or 2007. 07 would be best because Im the type who needs a loooong time for planning and saving lol. Want to get a nice sum of money safely put away for when I get over there so if I over spend Ill have back up to buy a loaf of bread lol!
well, ur planning way in advance! i think i will have to work before i go out as well (maybe), becuase im a big spender! so have to control myself and save!
hey i'm applying for the Novemeber interviews too so would be great to keep each other informed on the long process of applying, interviewing etc! then u never know we could be flying out to Florida together!!!! Jess x