ooh dont u just love them...anyone seen the ring 2 ?i just wached it then!!I am a total sucker for horror flicks and that movie rocked.. saw loads of commercials for new horror movie based on true story "The AMity ville"story in New york....its cleverly named the AMITY VILLE horror ,and looks frighntening,.
ah! no! get that pic away from me!!! i hate horror films! i get so scared out of my mind! i saw "the grudge" in theaters and it freaked the hell out of me! i closed my eyes for like half the movie! that movie crossed the line for me! no more scary movies!
hey amber.!!!I was in the movie theatre on my own when I wached the grudge!!! my friends also hate horro flicks!!!but i mean the theeatre was empty!!!totally freaked me out!!i still have to check under my blanket before i sleep!! ;D
tell me about it! I'd erased those horrible pictures of the grudge out of my mind....and now they've all come flooding back...... ....lots of nightmares for me tonight then!! xx
i never even knew what that girl from the grudge looked like cause i had my eyes closed the whole time! just as long as you don't add an audio clip of that awful noise she makes!
that's all people need to do is make that noise to me and i'm scared all over again! What a horrible horrible film! x
well yeah it was good! and i suppose it did fulfil the criteria of being a "horror" but don't think i'd like to watch it again! x
I haven't watched it  ??? I didn't even hear of it! What is it about? Maybe it takes a while until it will be showing in theaters around here. Anyone seen "Hide & Seek"? I've seen a trailer for it in Miami and it looked kinda cool. I didn't find "The Ring" (the first one) so scary, so I don't know if I will see the other one. Movie that creeped me out was definitely The Blair Witch Project! Also "Wrong Turn" is really brutal! Julia
Hide and Seek was alright, but the twist at the end was just stupid. I didn't think The Grudge was as good as it was hyped up to be and didn't think it was that scary, just reminded me of the ring. I really like horror films though, and i'v got loads of them. One i found the best is Wrong Turn. I don't think its very well known but i made me jump loads!
the wrong turn!!! that really creeped me out along with texas chain saw massacreeeeeeeeeee!!!!!especially when he was on the hooks!!!
Stu- I am totally with you on that. I rented "Wrong Turn" not knowing what it was really about. I watched it with a friend who was hiding under her blanket for the whole movie LOL It was soo brutal and mean! I loved it ! And yeah it sucks when they hype up the movies so much and then you are disappointed. I felt like this with "The Village" and "The Ring". Most of the time the endings are just stupid They mess up the whole movie. That's why I loved Blair Witch I guess. I like a band ending! Julia
i dont care if the movie had a great plot or story well id o but not with horros u just wanna be freaked out!!! i get freaked out with most movies even the village.....especially that guy from the movie "the pianist"man he really scared me. i cannot watch blair witch alone!!!!!!!its too real!!!
LOL Yeah that's what makes Blair Witch so good. Well I actually do care about a plot but especially about the endings. When I get freaked out during the movie and then it's a stupid not scaring end it totally ruins the movie for me. The ending has to be surprising at least. Julia
yeah agree with either plot twist or suprise! ;D i love getting scared during movies!especially when u jump... my advise to u never wach a horror movie with moi!!i am forveer screaming!!i wached a horor movie with my auntie and we jumped at same time and banged heads!!ouch!!!. i always scream its a honest reaction,I cant help it!!!thats why as soon as movie finishes i have to vacate the theatre quickly so no one can see me..lol ;D x
LOL@Tinkerbell Sounds like my friend....I am ok as long as I don't watch it fully ( I always hide behind my hands, so I can miss out the whole scary picture haha ). Best thing is when soemthing totally unexpected happens. Like someone jumping in the picture out of nowhere. That always makes me jump. I'm never scared by horror movies where you can actually see the killer appear, he just has to jump right in from one second to the other. Julia
Hey Tinkerbell!! If you want to see a scary movie try and rent a movie called The Eye. It is a chinese remake and it scared the s**t out of me. I really really hate scary movies though...i am a sucker like that. Haha