Anybody got any (which prob doesnt help!) Anyway sorry for babbling on just wanted to know if other people suffer really bad from them or if some dont get hangovers - not fair! Jess x
Sometimes I feel totally fine after a mad night of drinking and sometimes the hangovers last for 2 days LOL I was really good to deal with them in Florida, you never really had time for hangovers, you always started drinking again the next day. I always try to drink lots of water now after a night out and puking also helps :-\ I find it way harder to deal with hangovers now that I am older and I fear it will only get worse. But I wouldn't want to miss the fun I have before the hangover LOL Julia
I have just done a presentation with a vvvv bad hangover! I thought I was going to be sick on my work! eugh! definatly get worse with age! Lianne xxx
ive only had two hangovers that have reduced me to stayin in bed! first one i was out the thurs and friday, was meant to be teaching a dance class on the sat but couldnt get out the bed lol(well it wouldnt stop spinning - not my fault) second was the 23rd december i went out was still ill xmas day!...not good!!! xxx
yeah i get them really bad now, i never used to be bad, but i duno since last year, my birthday actually its gone downhill lol xxx
My worst hangover was 2 years ago after my mates 20th birthday, I was so hungover I actually gave up alcohol for lent, the first week wasnt too hard as the thought of alcohol still made me feel ill but as it got longer it got harder, dont think I would be able to do it again. Mind you when I did start drinking again my nights out were very cheap as it didnt take me much to get drunk!!!! Jess x