I only lasted for five days on ICP at Disney

Discussion in 'Walt Disney World College Program' started by jenn1984, Jun 4, 2006.

  1. jenn1984

    jenn1984 Guest

    Well, after months of organising my trip and spending a fortune to get there, I'm sorry to say I only lasted FIVE days. I just didn't settle into the ICP at all and booked flights home. I'm sure all those heading out will have a great time though. So good luck everyone.

  2. Mom of an Applicant

    Mom of an Applicant New Member

    Oh Jenn....what happened?

    My daughter Shayna has been there for 3 weeks now and about a week and a half in she was so homesick and wanted to come home. We were firm and said she had to stay and work it out and things seem to be getting better.

    Have you left yet? Are you sure you've given it enough time to see if it will work out?
  3. jenn1984

    jenn1984 Guest

    Hi, I emailled Shayna the other day. It's too bad we didn't have the chance to meet up and chat. I think we may have got on very well. Unfortunately, my roommates all knew each other prior to my arrival which made it hard for me to fit it and socialise with them. The living environment was awful too. The apartment was rather dirty and what Disney promised and what we got were two different things. I just couldn't stand it anymore. I flew home this morning. Hope Shayna is doing OK.

  4. Mom of an Applicant

    Mom of an Applicant New Member

    Aw Jen...I'm sorry it didn't work out for you! :(

    I think what Shayna's finding is that the ICP program is very different than the CP program. People's schedules are so nutty that it's almost impossible to hook up and hang out with people that you meet. It must have been very difficult for you to come into a living arrangement where everyone else has established connections. There don't seem to be 'functions' or get togethers like there are at the Commons. The year long people seem 'tighter' somehow...

    Anyway, I'm so sorry it didn't work out for you. I would have suggested sticking it out a little longer, maybe trying to switch apartments, but you're home already - so much for that! :)

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!

  5. Shivasauras

    Shivasauras New Member

    I can't believe you left. I don't understand how someone could make their mind up after 5 days. You didn't even start your job or meet the people youll be working with. you should have asked to switch apartments or something. I don't think it's right to make this thread. It will put people off coming and cause them more stress than they are probably already under. Just so anyone coming soon knows, I came on the 30th I love it and everyone ive met loves it. Someone coming home after 5 days is a one off
  6. Mom of an Applicant

    Mom of an Applicant New Member

    Jen is not the only ICPer who has self-terminated. My daughter's roommate left last Sunday!

    I think it's important for everyone to understand that sometimes the expectations are greater than what the experience actually is. Many students come with unrealistic expectations (understandably) and find the reality pretty harsh. I think hearing about other people's experiences is a good thing. I wish Shayna had been better prepared for what it actually is. Hearing the good and the bad is necessary I think. It's not helpful to candy coat the fact that a surprising number of students leave...
  7. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    I gotta agree with you on this one. I feel like the first week is a hard one for every and you gotta stick it out more than that before you know if you're meant for it or not. 5 days isnt long enough to make a good judgement. I'll probably want to go home after 5days too, but I won't....I worked too hard in preparation for this and I've wanted this job for too long.
    And Im heading down for a year, not the summer or 6month.
  8. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    It was probably hard joining a room with a bunch of people who knew each other already. I didn't know any of my roomates, except 2 that I talked too briefly from this forum. But we all get along well and they're all awesome. You would hope that people would be more open and try and be more inclusive, but I guess the world isn't perfect eh? Well we can all try and make up for it and hang out with everyone!
  9. jenn1984

    jenn1984 Guest

    OK so five days wasn't a long time, but I knew the program wasn't for me. People can have a pop at me as much as they want, at the end of the day it was MY decision. I agree with Mom of an Applicant. Those coming down to Florida have to be aware of both the good and bad points of being here in order to make informed decisions. Just because I didn't like it doesn't mean someone else won't either, and vice versa. If me starting a threat about me coming home makes people not want to come down, then maybe they weren't sure enough about going anyway.
  10. Mara Mouse

    Mara Mouse New Member

    Well, I for one am glad to hear it's not perfect for other people. Then when I'm having a rough day I won't feel alone in that feeling. Ofcourse I'm hoping to minimize those days, but I have social anxiety. I've been doing a good job managing it in the last few months ... but you never know. What I do know is that talking about the bad stuff helps ... otherwise I feel like I'm alone and it gets worse.

    Ugh ... how's that for bearing my soul? *laugh*
  11. Kristine

    Kristine New Member

    We are all going to have those days when we wish we could just leave and go home.....but we have to stick it out help each other through the rough days. I know there will be days when I need someone to listen to me .....so Im there for anyone who just needs someone to listen to them or a frined to brighten their day. :)
  12. monkian

    monkian New Member

    don't worry gues...it true we will all have bad days...and it will be hard going ouit there on there on our own.

    i too have a problem i suffer from mild depression...but don't freak i keep a close eye on that black dog of mine and he barely whimpers now...infact i'm a very cheery person and you it does take alot before i let it crack me and i guess you will be able to tell...it won't last long but i will just have a day when im not as chirpy and i won't say much...it scares me that my friends won't be there to help if it hapens...but i am sure i will make new friends...and i am always a good shoulder to cry on! i am always ready to listen to a friend in need. so feel free to knock on my door if omly because you want to cry for what feels like no aparent reason. we just have to remember that we are all in the same boat!!! but we each bring different experiences and different coping skills and we canhelp each other!

    i do realise this is a very confusing garbled mess but i hope it makes sense!

  13. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    It's awesome to know that so many Disney people are so friendly! Hats off to everyone, you're all awesome!
  14. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    It is nice to hear how lovely everyone is :) I'm the sort of person who has a few good friends, rather than loads and loads cos I find a lot of people don't really get me!! :-\
    I tend to be a kind of middle of the road person, Im not overly loud, but not completely shy. However a loit of the time I just love to listen to crowds of people talk- people fascinate me! But sometimes I think it comes accross as shyness/ignorance even (although i HATE that people think that of me)! So i worry what people with think of me, but then I see all you lovely people on the boards and I start to realise that everyones in the same boat- and we can all be there for each other :)

    Everyone has insecurities and i just think a move like this brings them out of people- but we've just gotta remember the love on these boards and realise how great everyone is!!
    Im getting so excited to meet you all- its going to be fab guys ;D



  15. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    Eh Gemma, you sound alot like me.
    I have a few close friends that mean alot to me instead of hoards of people calling me all the time but not really knowing them intimatly.
    I also love to just sit and observe people instead of getting in there with them.

    I'm leaving my extremely tight-knit family for the first time ever and I'm worried my anxiety from moving away from them might just make me seem like some mopey weirdo so it's SOO good to hear I have people like you to turn to and you guys can ALWAYS turn to me when you need an ear or shoulder.
    JAM sticks together...and Gemma too.
  16. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    Hehe, Ill have to come and seek you out when I arrive as you'll be all settled in by then :) You'll be able to show me the ropes lol

  17. Kayleigh

    Kayleigh New Member

    *nods* im one of those peeps (it sounds like ur the same) who calls people their friends and means it.. lol..rather than a hello im kayleigh ur now my mate!! hehehe
    cant wait to meet u all out there!

    xx :)
  18. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member

    This program, whether a year or the summer, will be a hard adjustment for most. Fortunatly, we have site like this so we can familiarize eachother before we get there and almost get a support system going on.
    This thread has really prooved that no one's alone in this and we're all going to have blast!
  19. monkian

    monkian New Member

    yeah i like the fact that i know i will already know some folk when i get out there...it would be really scary otherwise! although it is still scary...just not as much...
  20. snow.white87

    snow.white87 New Member


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