ICP 2009ers - come to London for names-to-faces dinner, drinks and good times!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by Tiddelypom, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. hayley...x

    hayley...x New Member

    i agree that its gonna be impossible to find a time/place to suit us all and seeing as we all have to go to london to get our visas then we may aswel meet up then? a night out would be so good! seeing as most of us wont be able to go out properly in orlando :'(

    so do we just book a date to suit ourselves for visas?

  2. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    But some of us will be old enough to drink over there ;D I'm lucky there.
  3. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    me tooo :)
    well half way through anyways!
  4. Callum_McK

    Callum_McK New Member

    God i wasnt old enough to drink their this summer and i wont be able to next summer either :(
    What a gutter, am sure me and the others will enjoy or last taste or alchol for the summer at 8am at Gatwick airport on June 2nd lol!
  5. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    I barely drink anyway :)
  6. AndyFromDonny

    AndyFromDonny New Member

    Me neither, honest. ;)
  7. AllyAllyBoomBoom

    AllyAllyBoomBoom New Member

    Re: ICP 2009ers - come to London for names-to-faces dinner, drinks and good time

    i am lucky, i am 21 now, so i can drink ova there, and i will be having my 22nd b-day ova there, so i am looking forward to a good sesh then!!!

    i think we get put in housing of ova21 and under 21 as u cant have alcohol in a flat if some1 in the flat is under 21!!! so people who can drink, should be living with people who can drink, an vise versa!!!
    Christmas and New year i will be about, an in London for New Years Eve!!! YAY
  8. hayley...x

    hayley...x New Member

    its my 19th bday when we are over there! thats no use tho lol!

    hahaha a drink at 8am in gatwick! we will look like right alcoholics getting our last fix! cant wait its gonna be great fun!

  9. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    I will be turning 19 out there aswell, when yours birthday hayley?
  10. opherrichards

    opherrichards New Member

    Definitely up for that!! And besides, by the time we get to America no one will know. :)
    Last time I was at Gatwick, they had a cocktail place where you could try loads of different cocktails and spirits for free. Could make camp there for a while :)
  11. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Wow, that sounds great, i may plan on flying from there now, hmmm!
  12. hayley...x

    hayley...x New Member

    my birthday is the 27th june! whens ur leom?

    ooooh cocktails! my favourite! i live for cocktails! but yet what girl doesnt? lol

    anyone else have a birthday while we are over there?
  13. clarey89

    clarey89 New Member

    i think nottingham is a great idea woooooooo :D
  14. vistaway

    vistaway New Member

  15. Stepharoo

    Stepharoo Guest

    Love the idea of meeting up! Maybe we could do it when getting visas?
  16. *PennyCrayon*

    *PennyCrayon* New Member

    yea defo - sounds immense ;D
  17. *Jen*

    *Jen* New Member

    Re: ICP 2009ers - come to London for names-to-faces dinner, drinks and good time

    ill be having my 21st birthday over there on 7th july, how exciting! although i like to think its good i cant drink for 2 months ofit, saves my pennies i guess! so more to spend on dumbo toys! woop! xx
  18. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    My 21st is on July 3rd!! How excited am I?!

    Meeting up for visas sounds like a plan, as long as we can all have our appointments on the same day, I'm not sure how it works.
  19. ginabella

    ginabella New Member

    My 21st will be the 2nd of August!!
    ^-^ so exciting!
  20. vik

    vik New Member

    Re: ICP 2009ers - come to London for names-to-faces dinner, drinks and good time

    now that im definitely in i will definitely be up for meeting you guys! im a slightly london biased person too (i only live 30 minutes away) maybe some kind o get together in the new year like easter or something. visa wise yummy jobs will tell you when to book an appointment and its good to get it asap cos its something you dont wanna get last minute! last year i got my visa at the end of april

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