Hi, just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Sally and im 23 and from the UK. Ive not actually applied to work at Disney but as a holiday rep in Orlando. Myself and my boyfriend had interviews when we were in Orlando on holiday last week but have got to wait a few weeks to find out. I am a massive Disney fan (and US!) and really a massive fan of Orlando in general. So I thought I would say hi and hopefully I might meet some of you at some point in the USA ! Sally
Welcome to the boards Sally ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D You are certainly in the right place to meet fellow Disney and Orlando fans. ;D I hope you and your boyfriend get the job in Orlando and we all get to see you in the US ;D ;D ;D Paul x
Thanks, have been told there isnt much of a social life as a rep out there as most of the other reps are married - I might be in a relationship but without friends I would go mad ! Hopefully if I get out there I will be able to meet some of you and not be a loner : Sally
Hi Sally! welcome to the boards. I'm 22 and going to disney in June. Hope u get the job - what company is it? Im sure you are more than welcome to hang out with us lot! Marie
Hi, its one company that deals with many tour ops including first choice, travel city, ba, budget and loads of others Sally
haha and mine lindsey thats great though sally, everything crossed. As marie said i'm sure you're more than welcome to hang out with all us, i arrive in june so hopefully see u out there! xxx
mine too Lindsey and Sara - disney really dont know what they r getting us into - we'll never wanna leave florida.
I spent 2 summers in Mallorca and still call it home, when you get back you will find you talk about home meaning Orlando and it feels so weird. I am going to miss Mallorca so much this summer but you do get to a point where you are ready to move on and do something new Sally
I decided when i was three that i was moving to florida. my world will collapse when i have to leave! xx
haha me to lindsey from my first trip i told my parents i was gona work at disney, and now i wont wana come home come 2006!! anyway i can stay there and avoid comin bk here well ill do it!
yeah it's crappy you cant stay! but im sure we'll find something else to do after. there's prog like this apparently in universal in california. not florida granted..but still sunny! xx
I always said since i was 5 i wanted to live in america! I said i was gonna live in NY then Florida then Cali. So weird i lived in upstate New York last year and now hopefully Florida! After a yr NY felt like my second home - Orlandos gonna be the same i think! thats cool universal do a program too, i knew they did a college program for students but didt know they did one for non students. Theres something i'll prob be applying for after! Marie
I spend quite a bit of time on a UK Disney forum and one of the woman on theres daughter is doing the programme at US, I believe she works in one of the hotels Sally
That sounds cool Sally - whats her disney program called? Most of us on here are doing the one year cultural rep program - where we can only work in the UK pavillion in merchandise or food and beverage. Some people on here are doing the college program - 3 months in the summer they have a lot more choice in what they can do and can work anywhere on the parks. What month do you arrive in Florida? I arrive June 14th for a yr to work in merchandise. Marie xxx
Im not sure what its called but its the Universal Studios programme, its one year as well. I havnt got the job yet But if I do, I think it would probably be the end of May, the guy who interviewed as said it might be mid April but he hasnt interviewed anyone else yet and it will take about 8 weeks to sort out visas so think if we do get it, it will be end of May. Would suit us as I would pop on a quick holiday to Mallorca to visit friends and have my birthday here - I have been abroad for the last 2 and last year my presents took over a month to arrive so were late for my birthday Sally
i like the sound of that as well marie, i can c me havin a stab at that as well, once i've completed me degree and such xx