I'm getting a bit excited about actually going to WDW, and have been asking friends who have actually been what there favourate rides were. One that always gets mentioned is 'Alien Encounters' because they say it was so unexpectedly scary! Does anyone know if it's still at WDW? I can't find it on the Magic Kingdom web site, am I looking in the wrong place? Has it been turned into 'Stitches Great Escape'? - I hope not, because I can't see that being half as scary .
sorry to say hunny but its turned into Stitches great escape!!!!! it was so cool and really quite scary!!!
yeah they replaced it with that hunk of junk of a ride! stitche's greatest escape is the worst disney ride i have ever gone on. i was sooo disappointed in it.
I used to love alien encounter - but only cos it made my sister cry! hahaha! Never tried the Stitch ride, hopefully there will be a few rides I haven't been on before for me to try! Lianne xxxx
I only been on it once, when i was about 8, but i was so scared!!! Aparently they got loads of conplaints cos it was scaring all the kids (like me ;D). i really wanted to go on it but it closed a couple of weeks before i went on holiday
Hey Gals and GUys, Alien Encounter was freaky!!! I hated it, specially when the beast breathed behind u!!! I bet with Stitch is funnier and u know, who doesnt like Stitch?? See ya Robb ;D
Alien Encounter scared me witless! I hated it! Absolutely categorically- you would never have got me on there again! I've heard that its still pretty scary though even with Stitch! Charlotte x