Jan 2008 Phone Interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disneyprincess87, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

    I'm from the UK - Somerset, England to be more specific! How about you?
  2. *FRANZI*hh

    *FRANZI*hh New Member

    i'm from germany (hamburg).
    well, then their where no language problems for you ( you lucky thing :))
  3. *FRANZI*hh

    *FRANZI*hh New Member

    wow, i just had my phone interview :) it was pretty short, i thought they would ask more questions.
    i was so nervous and the interviewers accent was quite bad (it was a french woman) it was hard to understand her.
    but i passed it. she asked me if i want to have a f2f :D
    well, the next hurdle is waiting!
  4. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

    Yay, congratulations! I forgot to ask you, did you apply for the ICP or CRP? ???
  5. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Bring on the F2F...wish I knew when it was. Would make planning a lot easier!
  6. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    i know! well i want to know whether i have a face to face yet...

    louisa have you heard yet whether u r thru to them? xx
  7. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Yep :D 5th March
  8. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    OHHH!!!!! i only had my phone interview today so wont find out for another two weeks!

    god i hope it went well!
  9. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    I didn't have a phone interview ::) hehe
  10. ohhh! who does disney love! ya big WDW-suck up! hee heee ;D
  11. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    haha I do not suck up to Disney :p I'm just practically perfect LOL.

    Only kidding...
  12. nstrats2212

    nstrats2212 New Member

    I have my phone interview tomorrow morning ahhhh xx
  13. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Hey guys, I am new to this board! I'm from the UK and applying for the ICP 2008 (I go to Bournemouth Uni but I'm originally from Bristol). Thought I'd contribute to your phone interview conversation - I applied on like December the 8th and waited aaaages, then they sent me an email saying I would have a phone interview in late January so I had my phone interview on the 28th Jan but originally I missed their call because I was in a lecture and they left me a message.

    So when I called them back early on the 28th, I had my phone interview there and then!! But then the next day someone else from Yummy called me and started interviewing me (asking me the same questions as the day before!) and I felt it was rude to interrupt and tell her I had already had my interview so I waited until after she had finished before telling her that someone else had already interviewed me the day before!!

    Anyway, then it was looooads of waiting again until Feb 14th when I got an email asking me to London on the 26th Feb!! So now I am all worked up about that!!

    Cat x
  14. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

    Hey Cat,

    Congratulations! I live near Bristol, in a place called Chew Valley near to the airport. Which part of Bristol are you from?

    Kirsty x
  15. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Oh I have a friend who lived in Chew Valley! I'm from the other side of Bristol - near to Cribbs Causeway? 8)
  16. disneyprincess87

    disneyprincess87 New Member

    Haha, nobody ever knows where Chew Valley is!! I went shopping at Cribbs this morning! lol

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