london interviews march 21st

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by xxlora_182xx, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Paul_dela-somthing

    Paul_dela-somthing New Member

    hey jen! elliot love the "magic" answer lol didnt hear you say it but it is kinda a good answer!
    did anyone else think the lil movie presentation was scary? meaning the people in the film lol
  2. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    I thought the presentation was pretty cool-but also that girl was very enthusiastic-but then who wouldn't be when you're in Epcot!!!
    As time goes on I am getting more and more doubtful about how my interview went....argh...
    Laura-this waiting game is hell!! Sorry I didn't text u back last night I have run out of credit!! LOL like we said though, Disney forums here we come!!!!!
  3. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    yea, that girl in the video was slightly over enthusiastic-if i was the camera man i would have given her a shake and said`SNAP out of it woman` lol. Also that Canadian fella and his flat-his fake look of surprise when he oppened the door and-surprise suprise found a camera crew and a hyperactive american on the other side lol
  4. JenniferK

    JenniferK New Member

    i loved the video. Especially Valerie. and the fashion show bit in it. and yeah the 'im cooking an italian recipie that my room mate showed me how to!' Thats teh only quote from it i an remember. lol. but after watching that it made me want the job sooooooo bad. and my interview just REALLY didn't go as i had planned for it to :'(
    This has probably been asked so many times before so apologies, but does anyone know how many places are there on the cult rep program that they were interviewing for???? also what did everyone say they wanted to work on???? and when do u all want to leave? i put merchandise.
  5. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    I put food and beverage and i want to leave in December
  6. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    The video was amazing
    i loved it.. the presentation made it all seem more real.. hadnt hit me till i got to the offices where i was!
    i thought the interview was ok i had leannne and she asked all the uestions i had thought about soo its ok!
    i dont have a clue how many spaces ..apparantly they take 18 ppl a month.. but thee interviews we had were to fill in the gaps soo no 1 has a real idea
    i just hope they dont keep us waiting too long
  7. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    Yes Laura I really hope they let us know soon-its getting harder and harder every minute isn't it!! I am at college now (supposed to be doing English Lit essay) and all I can seem to do is log on to!!!!! Or google more disney stuff to try and find out more about the CRP!!!
  8. Paul_dela-somthing

    Paul_dela-somthing New Member

    we re filling in gaps? does that mean we dont get a full 12 month contract? and only finish off the time that whoever left early over there had left over?
  9. hayleylovesorlando

    hayleylovesorlando New Member

    No it means that people who were interviewed in November for the CRP may have pulled put and left spaces open which is why we have been interviewed I think anyway!!!!!
  10. keithy

    keithy New Member

    don't read too much into the whole just filling gaps cuz thats not actually came from their mouths at the interview or anything, they said specific dates which they r recruiting for ie september for crp, august for the j1 academic etc so stop making urselves more freaked than u already are
  11. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    That were all cm from 2004. I know most of the ppl including the Canadian fellow. I went to the presentation last October(I am going back for Guest Relations) and I thought they wouldn't even give me an interview because my friend and me couldn't stop laughing while they showed the video.

  12. Elliot_Stone

    Elliot_Stone New Member

    I thought the presentation video was pretty good, and the way it was made it seemed less like a corporate recruitment video and more of a relaxing, fun and energetic video for fun loving people, i.e. all of us.

    Though the girl from N. Ireland (A UK cast member talking bout something or other) didn't even sound from anywhere in N. Ireland and thats why I can't remember what she said cause her voice bothered me cause I couldn't place it.
  13. Paul_dela-somthing

    Paul_dela-somthing New Member

    when the british woman said "we make sure everything is as clean as a whistle!" lol loved it xD

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