March F2F In London

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by KirstyLouise, Feb 3, 2006.

  1. PrincessNat

    PrincessNat New Member

    Yes Disney family - we all have to stick together! ;)

    I soooo hope we all get through!
    I'll be so upset if we don't! :'( :'(

    ((hugs to everyone)) :-*
  2. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    *holds Mike's hand and pats his head*....everything will be alright hunni :) hehe.

    I know it is going to be so hard and from what I've read it seems that they call in order of departure...which is going to be awful for me as I know if I get in I will be in the last group to go :(

    Still just keep swimming!!

  3. Megara

    Megara New Member

    If any of us don't get to go, we should all visit the others together... I keep getting the feeling I'm not going to make it through, so sort of planning my trip already
  4. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    stop worrying dudes! think positive! WE WILL ALL GO TO DISNEY THIS YEAR!!!

    ( i hope lol :-[ )
  5. doowop

    doowop New Member

    I second jilly's comment we are all capable of doing this and just be confident and we will all get through. The more we stress about the interview the harder its going to be.. honest guys everyone on these boards is soo nice and charming in their own way that you are more than capable of achieving this.
  6. Megara

    Megara New Member

    I'm still not stressing about the interview, I just have a gut feeling I won't get it.... At the moment this isn't bothering me. If my gut feeling is right then it will be the end of the world, just not yet!
  7. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    im just tryin to be positive as i dont see the point of panicking about it, at least not until we've at least had the interviews! i know i will be panicking afterwards, and nervous at the time but at the mo im pretty calm and too busy to think about it constantly! i try to think more about how cool working in florida would be than think about the interview!
  8. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    You guys are all so lovely ;D reading these boards always make me so happy and cheery!

    I really really want us all to get it, and we all have to send out positive thoughts for each other. Im pretty sure the Care Bears used to do this special thing to get happy thoughts out (or maybe im thinking of the care bear stare- which i think is a bad thing? can anyone remember....)

    Anwyay, what was i talking about? .... Who knows really! But anyway the point is happy thoughts people, happy thoughts. :)

    I cant wait to meet you all, im geting so excited- woohooo!!!!!

    Luv ya all
  9. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    same here gemma, im ridiculously excited about coming down, both for the interview and for meeting everyone! its gonna be wicked!! ;D
  10. Kayleigh

    Kayleigh New Member

    indeed.. the care bears did..
    I LOVE U ALL GUYS AND IM SURE WE CAN ALL MAKE IT.. if we all put ours hearts into it we will not need to worry..
    be positive.. smile.. hold ur head up high and shoulders back.. and repeat after me..
    M-I-C-K-E-Y.. M-O-U-S-E!!!!!
  11. PrincessNat

    PrincessNat New Member

    Oh my god Meg! I feel the same!. I keep having this horrid feeling im going to completely mess up the interview! :'(

    Ok..deep breath...Im not going to stress anymore! Im soooo excited about meeting you all that I'm just going to focus on that part for now!

    Ok Care Bears - positive thoughts please! :-*
  12. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    In a week today some of us will have had our interviews by now.. (not me, but some people) OH MY GOD :p

    big hugs! xxx
  13. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    Yeah like me!! OMG how scary is that....then I'll be playing the waiting game!

    Then we can all meet up and then you guys will be the ones being scared hehe as the rest of us have lots to drink to blot it all out no doubt!! Only kidding I'm sure it'll be great!

  14. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Jees a week today!! scary stuff still how mega exciting.. nerves are shot!!
  15. Birdman22

    Birdman22 New Member

    I know you don't wanna give away to many of your interview answers, but what question do you ask the guys from disney?
    and what would you give someone as a gift from your country?
  16. doowop

    doowop New Member

    i dont mind ppl knowing my answers. dunno what to ask them but i reckon id take face paints or something... an ice breaker!!

  17. PrincessNat

    PrincessNat New Member

    I think that a great answer Mike - very original!

    I really want to ask some questions in the interview, but i
    dont know what?
    Every one i think of sounds stupid! I need to think of a good intelligent question to ask; but I don't think that will happen from me! ;D
  18. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Dont be daft im sure your quesions will be fab.. just think about what you want from the job at the end of the day its a big commitment moving for a year to another country so you need to be fully prepared for when you go. I cant wait its gonna be fab if we get it!!


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