Hi Everyone, I just wanted to let you all meet the new addition to our family. Dylan George Daniel Saito was born at 10:56 on Sunday, October 31 (yes, Halloween!). He weighed a healthy 7lb 11oz. Mom (also a WDWIP alumni) and baby (future alumni, hopefully!) are doing great. Here are a few pics. Maybe now I will be better at returning e-mails since I will be up every three hours at night! Andy (vistaway)
CONGRATULATIONS Andy!! you must be thrilled!!! aah, babies...I love 'em!! couldn't view the photo's for some reason tho!! :-\ would love to seem them! Pass on my congrats and Disney hugs to baby and Mrs. WDWIP!!! Ellen x
Thanks Ellen! I think I have fixed the missing picture problem. All registered members should now be able to view and upload pics! Please let me know if it doesn't work. Andy
first up: CONGRATULATIONS!! that's really great news!! all the best to you 3!! and, no, i could still not see the pics... flavour xoxo
  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D CONGRATULATIONS ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D best wishes and yeah, i hope that Dylan will be an alumni in about 19 years????? anyways, great that everyone is fine... and no, even i couldnt see the pics, sorry. hopefully, i will in the near future.. later! jessy xxx.
Weired, I can see the pictures. Child looking good and cute! Congrats to all the three of you! The baby is missing the Mickey Mouse ears though. ;D ;D ;D Gary
okie, yeah,can see them too!!!! the three of you seem to be one of the happiest families i've ever seen. Dylan looks so cute......... later! jessy
Congratulations Andy!!! Dylan is co cute - the three of you make a really lovely family! Lots of hugs and Disney love to all three of you, Michelle xx
I can see them now....HOW ADORABLE!! bless his little cottons! I love babies! Ellen xxx P.S. If you ever need an English Au Pair, I'm willing to take on the challenge!!