Hey guys! Just wanted to make it official somewhere and let you all know I will be moving to Florida end of april. To all of those who knew about my interview, I got the job at the Sheraton and will be starting May 1st ( sooo soon! ). Nothing is settled yet, but I'm sure everything will work out fine. So I will be living in sunny Ft Lauderdale for the next 18 months at least. I will make sure to visit you guys more than you want me to LOL Julia
i told you didnt i julia! wow its all good! haha ull b visitin us and u wont get rid of us in Ft Lauderdale lol well done hun xxx
Thanks guys!!! :-* It hasn't really sunk in yet! It is soo soon and I have no apt., no visa, no flight so far LOL It will be an adventure! Julia
Hiya are you doing an internship? Who will you be living with? Do you have family there? And well done by the way! Im sure you will have a wicked time girl.
Feeona- I have already done the Disney program. Afterwards I did a vocational training for hospitality in Munich and now I was just looking to get overseas again. I'm doing an 18 months internship with a hotel there and it's based on rooms division. I don't have family there and I am not sure who I will be living with, since I have just found out yesterday I got the job, so nothing is really sorted out yet. It's a great job for my career though and chances are good they will hire me permanently after the internship. Thanks for all the support. I will see all of you soon Julia
wow julia, thats greeeeeeeaaaaaaaaat!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D you definitely gotta come and visit us!! greetz ~sina
Any of you want to change their mind and live in Ft Lauderdale instead? LOL I am getting insane with the apt. search! It's kinda weird to look for an apt. when you are still on another continent!.... Julia
Julia! Congratulations! Im so happy for you. Good luck with the apt search... See u in Florida Marie xxx