New Pavillions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by robb2020, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. robb2020

    robb2020 New Member

    Hey Gals and Guys,

    Hope u r all fine.
    Hey I remember reading in the old forums, that
    the Spanish Pavillion was underconstruction??
    Are they going to build more??
    It would be cool to have more countries in the World Showcase.
    More staff, more people, more fun. (As for me goes)

    See ya
    Robb ;D
  2. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    There are always loads of rumours about new pavillions but the countries themselves have to give funding and so very few actually go through with it. There were rumours of an australian pavillion but again nothings been finalised
  3. robb2020

    robb2020 New Member

    Hey Gismo.

    Thanks for replying!!
    Hey it owuld be so cool to have new pavillions.
    The Australian one is an awesome idea!!!
    Hope they get trough with it.
    It would be so cool to have Australia, then all 5 continents would be included.
    Maybe more Latin American, and maybe some Africans, (but they are represented in the AK)

    See ya
    Robb ;D
  4. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    Yeah also the trading post area is meant to represent Africa so they probably wouldn't do one. Still they don't really have australia anywhere so maybe they will do it fingers crossed
  5. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    Australia would be so cool....then you wud have aussie international peeps as well. Applying soon, so maybe if i got accepted they wud have them then... ::)

    Sarah :D
  6. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Weren't there rumours about Australia going in DAK at some point? Or am I entirely making that up (equally possible! ::))
    Charlotte x
  7. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    Did hear that Charlie, we are both mad though so maybe we just told each other this at some point
  8. robb2020

    robb2020 New Member

    Hey Gals,

    I do think that same, Australia would be best placed in AK.
    And have nice kangaroos and koalas.
    As u know that most African and South East castmembers are staffing African and Asia on the AK.

    I also heard Russia and Isreal were under consideration, but with the economic crisis in Russia, and the problems in Israel. Disney dropped the plans for those.
    I read somethin about the Spain showcase, but i think that with the recent terrorist attacks.
    Have caused delays, even cancellation of it.
    What a shame :'(

    See ya
    Robb ;D
  9. charlyboy

    charlyboy New Member

    My former manager for the mexican pavillion Fast Food restaurant (he was from spain) he was always saying that the spanish pavillion was gonna be ready soon, and that the opening will be some of this days and finally nothing happened.
    I think it is because they need reallyyy a lot of money to open and manage a pavillion.
    Hopefully there will be a new pavillion very soon
    See ya
    F&B Jul 03-04
  10. Louisa

    Louisa New Member

    it would have been nice if they put back the millenium pavilion.
  11. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    Can't though as the place is now used for corporate and special events and they make a foretunr off it so wouldn't change it back. also got ride of most of the exhibits at the time as they were mainly on loan from companies
  12. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    i did also hear the australian AK rumour. so maybe we are all mad? lol

    but yeah as its all funded by countries, means sometimes they don't happen, but it would b cool if new pavillions were added!

  13. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    i saw a picture once of a 'Coming Soon' big banner at epcot where a country was going to be built, but in the end they took it down and never built it.

    I think i saw the artwork for a Russia pavillion on the net once... looked good!

  14. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    I just found this really interesting article! (v long tho)

    Take -- for example -- that gap between China and Germany where the "Villager Traders" souvenir shop and the "Refreshment Outpost" snack stand are currently located. That was where Epcot's Equatorial African pavilion was supposed to have been built.

    But -- when we're talking about what-was-supposed-to-be-where at World Showcase -- it's always important to remember that WED had several different site plans for this section of Epcot Center. And that -- over the decade that this theme park was in serious development -- World Showcase's layout actually changed a number of times.

    Take -- for example -- the 1977 plan. Back when the Imagineers were still convinced that they'd be able to recruit enough countries to fill up every available inch of space around World Showcase Lagoon. Of course, this was back when the U.S. pavilion wasn't supposed to be housed in some enormous red-brick federalist-looking building on the other side of the lake. But -- rather -- an immense futuristically-styled structure that was to have stood (on stilts, no less!) in the Showcase Plaza area. Right inbetween where the "Port of Entry" and "Disney Traders" shops are currently located.

    Yeah, that version of World Showcase (as it was envisioned by the Imagineers back in 1977) was to have been decidedly different from the one that we have today. Instead of the "American Adventure" occupying the 12 o'clock position at the very top of World Showcase Lagoon, WED wanted to build an ornate bridge in that spot. One that was to have allowed Epcot visitors to walk past this beautiful fountain, which was supposed to have sprayed water hundreds of feet in the air.

    "A fountain? There?!," you gasp. "But then where would all of the countries have gone?" Well ... Sticking with our clock face analogy for a while: If you would have traveled around World Showcase Lagoon -- moving from the 12 o'clock to 3 o'clock position -- you would have encountered (in this order):

    * Italy
    * Great Britain
    * Sahara / Africa
    * France
    * Mexico

    At the 3'clock position, you would have encountered another bridge. Which was pretty much in the position where you'll find the bridge that separates Epcot's France and United Kingdom pavilions today.

    Then -- moving from the 3'oclock to the 6 o'clock position around World Showcase Lagoon -- you would have encountered (in this order):

    * Scandanavia
    * Israel
    * South Korea
    * Canada
    * Saudi Arabia

    At the 6'clock position, we would have found that futuristic-looking U.S. pavilion that I described earlier. Then -- moving from the 6 o'clock to the 9 o'clock position -- you would have encountered (in this order):

    * Morocco
    * Costa Rica
    * Taiwan
    * Australia / New Zealand
    * Switzerland

    At the 9 o'clock position, Epcot visitors would have found yet another bridge. One quite similar to the one that lies between the China & German pavilion today. Then -- moving from the 9 o'clock to the 12 o'clock position -- you would have encountered (in this order):

    * Holland
    * West Germany
    * Brazil
    * Japan
    * Poland

    That's one pretty wild mix of countries, don't you think? Europe right next to South America, which is then right next to Asia. But you have to understand that this was actually the effect that the Imagineers were originally shooting for. To give Epcot visitors that sharp sense of contrast that can only come when you place several distinctly different types of architecture right next to one another.

    "But which one -- out of all of the World Showcase pavilions that the Imagineers ultimately didn't build -- do you think was the biggest loss, Jim?," you query. To be honest, I think I'd have to say that it was actually the smallest structure that WED ever designed for this part of the theme park ... The Costa Rica pavilion.

    I mean, take a look at this photo of several Imagineers fussing over the model for Epcot's proposed Costa Rica pavilion.


    Doesn't the exterior of this proposed pavilion look really great? Like a set for some yet-to-be-filmed "Indiana Jones" film?

    "So what would the inside of the Costa Rica pavilion have been like?," you ask. Here. Let's let David Baron -- the WED executive who actually supervised the development of World Showcase -- take you on a brief tour of this show building:

    "We feel (that this proposed World Showcase addition will be) a jewel. The architecture is Spanish colonial. We've taken the liberty of creating a crystal palace containing tropical gardens of Costa Rica. There's an orchid show at the entrance. The conservatory covers a third of an acre, it has waterfalls, tropical birds -- a very relaxing atmosphere. You'll exit through a tourism area. There'll be a snack bar serving seafoods and melons. Leather items, carved wood and that sort of thing will be sold in the craft and merchandise area."

    Mind you, I'm evidently not the only person who thought that the Costa Rica pavilion was really something special. The model that's depicted in the above photograph was actually stolen out of WED's model shop back in the early 1980s. Evidently some Imagineer -- who was upset to learn that the Costa Rica pavilion had suddenly been pushed back from EPCOT Center's "Phase I" to "Phase II" (Which meant -- in essence -- that this attraction was now mostly not going to get built) -- decided to protest this decision by stealing the model.

    Given the cost of creating a highly detailed model like this, Disney Productions management was (understandably) furious when they learned of the theft. The company launched a full-scale investigation, interviewing dozens of Imagineers. (After all, given the size of this model, it's highly unlikely that just one man -- or woman -- could have spirited the thing out of WED's model shop all by themselves.) But the culprit and/or culprits were never found.

    To this day, the model for Epcot's proposed Costa Rica pavilion remains MIA. Though -- to be honest -- every so often, I go over to eBay and type in the words "Epcot & Costa Rica." Just to see what the site's search function comes up with.

  15. robynchic

    robynchic New Member

    I never heard about any new pavilions being built when I was working there over the summer. They wouldn't have much space to put a new pavilion in, anyway, unless they took out the outpost. And the Outpost gets a lot of money for their hand-carved wood pieces.

    You'll see what I mean when I explain how little space there is. Personally, I would have liked to see an Australia or a Russia or a Spain.
    The only thing being built in DAK right now is Expedition: Everest, which will be Walt Disney World's biggest rollercoaster, and competing with...I believe it's the Hulk Universal Studios: Islands of Adventure.

    But since we're discussing new pavilions, what countries would you like to see?
  16. Louisa

    Louisa New Member

    I'm I know there was somee signs and so on by the outpost "buldig the future way of the magic" by the outpost in septmber 2004 right before i left my program. but I'm not sure wht they where bulding there.. but I don't think they had any palns taking down the out post.. even though I think it would have been way cooler if they actually ahd put a new pavilion there.

  17. robynchic

    robynchic New Member

    There weren't any signs up when I was there over New Years Eve.

    Let's all make a deal: Whoever gets there first, ask. Then we'll all know the answer!
  18. flavour

    flavour New Member

    the rumours about new pavillions are always around...had those as well when i was there...nothing happened so far.

    thinking about what country i would like to see being represented i couldn't really tell actually...australia would be awesome, or some arab country, or maybe greece, or some eastern european country or some latin-american...something that's not there yet at all...and i really think they should bring the millenium village back...was so much fun walking through there with all those many different countries.

    flavour xoxo
  19. gismo1554

    gismo1554 New Member

    Louisa, I think the signs were for the temporary exhibit of Australia they put up for the food and wine last year. They built a couple of others too including Spain for it and they were opened in October.
  20. flavour

    flavour New Member

    i really miss the food and wine festival! it was so good!!

    flavour xoxo

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