Hey Gals and Guys, How r u?? U know I was thinking the other day that u know Disney has got to renrew itself to be in the preference of the people, and by that means changing attractions. This topic is to remember those. I totally like "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" know Winnie the Pooh. I loved that attraction, specially when u r roll over by the train and u get to hell. hahahahahaha 8) I also love the play of the Hunchback of Notre Dame, wow that show was fantastic with the puppets and all, bad they took it away, I only got to see it once :'( :'( Well thanks Robb ;D
yeah it's always a shame when attractions u like get replaced. i too loved mr toads wild ride, but i'm a huge winnie the pooh addict so was glad it got replaced by that. xxx
Mr Toads Wild Ride use to scare the cr*p out of me!! I hated it!! My favourite old ride was Dreamflight (now Buzz Lightyear) I loved the bit where you were supposed to be travelling into an airplane propellor that made you feel like you were spinning round! and I loved Horizons....me and my family used to all hit the 'ending' button at the same time to see who's ending would be picked!! (or we'd go in separate cars so we could all do our own!!) and Journey into Imagination used to be so much better when it was the old version (the non Eric Idle one!) Ellen xxxx
oh i know ellen, journey into imagination used to be so much better not keen on the new one mind! yeah dreamflight was good as well, but i love buzz lightyear now hehe xxx
Definitely I agree about journey into imagination, although its now better from when they first changed it. it was really rubbish then, but they've changed it a bit- put figment back in, and its a little better. I love the winnie the pooh ride, so i don't mind much about that one. I think its a shame they took away the skyway- used to quite like that, although the queues were always massive! Charlotte x
Hey, Yeah I know what u mean. I thought that the previous Journey to Imagination, was a good place to sleep, but know u get to sleep rite from the start. how about "20000 leagues under the sea" , I sort of like it, it was not like WOW!!!, but hey at least they were using the lake, I dont know if there are going to built something there, or will remain like that. The previous Tiki Room, was another great place for a nice nap, even people exited the show prior it had finish, but know it is way much better, and entertaining as well, and much shorter. Also, the show if the Lion King of Magic Kingdom as nice, but hey nothing compared with the Festival of the Lion King on AK. wow, it is the best Disney show I have never seen- See ya Robb ;D
Mr Toad's Wild ride is so so good. Mind you its still in California cause I went on it in Aug 2004. Loved the Hunchback show with the puppets at the beginning. And the lion kind puppet show in MK was great. Forgot all about dreamflight but that was cool too. And 20000 leagues was a good chance to get out of the sun and relax. Also anyone remember the skyway from Tomorrowland to Fantasyland that you can still see if you look upwards? Oh and Horizons in EPCOT just because I love the song (also the original Universe of Energy for this reason). Do think Journey in to imagination was better before, although did see the version they did without Figment and that was even worse than the one they have this time.
I know this is at Universal Studios but I loved the king kong ride and they replaced it with the mummy or something. I hate that because I have such fond memories of going on that ride with my family.
Have to say the first time I went on King Kong I cried my eyes out. I was only about 10 and didn't like fast rides at the time and the bit where king kong dropped you terrified me, but still miss it.
haha aww king kong was my fav, i cried the first time i was only 7 years old though haha, used to scare me that there was a big gorilla trying 2 attack the vehicle haha! awww memories xxx
was that the ride where a cast member fell off it and died? so it got declared unsafe and shut down? - might be wrong
I lovee that! im not sure bout the cast member thing though. hadn't heard that! loved king kong too. do you remember when you walked outa the ride you could have your pic taken with king kong? ive got a photo of me when i was abput 4 douing that! so cute! and the fashion...lets not even go there! xxx
Hey Gals and Guys, Speaking of Universal Studios. This game , that is one just about Nickelodeon cartoons. Hey I prefered the ones with Hanna Barbera, I know I will sound old : , but I grew with those, the Flinstones, The Jetsons, ohh and the best Scooby Doo. The show of the Ghostbusters was really good, I loved the little ghosts coming out. Ohh and GOOD they put on the Shrek 4D, it is was AMAZING, because I hated the Hitchcock one, I remember I got really scared on that, I was only 7, and I got to see the scene of the gal getting killed in the shower. Thanks See ya Robb ;D
Yes it was. A cast member got caught in the pullie mechanism and dragged along and dropped. It wasn't that safe but then again Busch Gardens has the same ride and their's looked a lot more dangerous with the way staff were walking around it. Refused to go on Hitchcock as my thoery was it would scare me. Loved the one with George Jetson in it was so so good. Shrek 4D is my fave thing there at the mo.
Hitchcock was THE BEST!! It was so cool (altho I am biased as I am a huge fan of his films...and he was born just down the road from me!). I love the hannah-barbera ride too....the Jetsons were the coolest...I always wanted one of their machines that makes a meal at the touch of a button!! King Kong used to scare me as a child, but as I got older I loved it! and, it's not old, but the men in black ride is the coolest thing ever!! Did anyone see the muppet show in MGM before it became Muppet 3-D? with real people dressed as the muppets? that was good....and the Teenage Mutant Ninja (or Hero in the UK) Turtles show was great too!! T-U-R-T-L-E POWER!!! Ellen xxxxx
You could always smell banana's on the king kong ride! It was so authentic. I cant think of any rides that have gone from the disney parks? But my favourite is tower of terror! And in at a close second is splash mountain.
Oh my god yes I remember the muppets and Teenage mutant. I was such a fan that my dad likes to tell the story of when we sat waiting for the show for about an hour because I had to see them and get their autographs.
when we saw it i was 7 and my brother was 5 (such a cutie!) and he dressed, head to toe, in something or other that had the Turtles on it and was in complete awe of them...I preferred April O'Neill of course!! Ellen xxxx
is back to the futre still in universal?? i havent been for years i have vague memories of drinkin waaaay too much sprite big gulp in the car on the way and throwing up all over the lovely mcfly ahah!!
I think so! I thought Turtles were great- went to meet them when i was little at our local shopping centre. BTW- don't you guys think its weird that toys and programmes that were around when we were little are coming bak into fashion- like My Little Pony, and Care Bears and stuff!! Charlotte x