parinoid/selfconcious/confident test

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tinkerbell, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    With your 40 % you are: You are confident of yourself, and like to talk a lot. Making people laugh is one of your strong points, and you don’t really worry about what they think anyway. You are not paranoid. 31 % from 8023 test takers had this profile!

    But you have almost become this:
    With your 30 % you are: You worry too much about how you look, and are desperately afraid of doing something stupid. You also have a tendency to put yourself down. Remember that life is more than just what you look like. So what if you’re not perfect? No one is. You are paranoid about what others think, and want to insure that they see absolutely nothing wrong with you. But the truth is, people don’t like people who are perfect. They are intimidated by them. So if you make a mistake, make a joke out of it. Other people will like you all the better for it.

    And that you are not at all:
    With your 20 % you are: You are very paranoid. You worry about what you look like, how you act, how you talk, what you say, and basically everything there is to be paranoid about. Remember that chances are, everyone in the world is not talking about you behind your back all the time; there are other things to talk about. And how much attention do YOU pay to what everyone else in the world is wearing at every given moment? Not very much, I assume. The truth is, everyone is paranoid about SOMETHING, and most are too busy worrying about their own image to notice when other people make small mistakes.

    With your 10 % you are: You are somewhat conceited, and have a tendency to assume that you are perfect. Or at least make others think you are. You may be paranoid on the inside, but you would NEVER let it show. It might ruin your “image†. . .

    With your 0 % you are: You are very laid back. Not only do you not care about what others think, you don’t care about anything. At all. You probably have a very good sense of humor, but maybe you should try to have more of a life and less of an existence.

    Do i read this wrong or does it completely contradict itself???
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol....ull have to make do with a cowboy!!!!!!!! to texas!!!! ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ; actually make do with ur taco men!!!!!!! ;) :D
  3. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    if tacos had legs........... i can only dream!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Claire

    Claire New Member

    With your 40 % you are: You are very laid back. Not only do you not care about what others think, you don’t care about anything. At all. You probably have a very good sense of humor, but maybe you should try to have more of a life and less of an existence. 22 % from 8025 test takers had this profile!

    I'm fairly happy about that except............. I DO HAVE A LIFE! honest! fairly good one at that too...sure you'd all want it! hehehehehe! i'm joking joking with you! x
  5. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    share now.... we all want to know what your life is like!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    i'm glad that you do have a life otherwise you would be in a hole in the ground!!!!!!!!!

    The tests are a bit of fun!!!!!!! lol
  6. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    george u are a loon!!!!!!!!!!!!! silly billy u!!1 ;) :D :D :D :D...crickey tacos with legs!!!!!1
  7. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    yeah you could reach down and pick one up whenever you wanted caus you could have them following you around!!!!!!!!!!!!! that would be heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    mmmmmmmmmm............... tacos!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol of a thousand of ur homer simpson with legs whatever next........wahtevr next indeed ;)
  9. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    With your 50 % you are: You are very paranoid. You worry about what you look like, how you act, how you talk, what you say, and basically everything there is to be paranoid about. Remember that chances are, everyone in the world is not talking about you behind your back all the time; there are other things to talk about. And how much attention do YOU pay to what everyone else in the world is wearing at every given moment? Not very much, I assume. The truth is, everyone is paranoid about SOMETHING, and most are too busy worrying about their own image to notice when other people make small mistakes. 24 % from 8026 test takers had this profile!

    But you have almost become this:
    With your 30 % you are: You worry too much about how you look, and are desperately afraid of doing something stupid. You also have a tendency to put yourself down. Remember that life is more than just what you look like. So what if you’re not perfect? No one is. You are paranoid about what others think, and want to insure that they see absolutely nothing wrong with you. But the truth is, people don’t like people who are perfect. They are intimidated by them. So if you make a mistake, make a joke out of it. Other people will like you all the better for it.

    And that you are not at all:
    With your 10 % you are: You are very laid back. Not only do you not care about what others think, you don’t care about anything. At all. You probably have a very good sense of humor, but maybe you should try to have more of a life and less of an existence.

    With your 10 % you are: You are confident of yourself, and like to talk a lot. Making people laugh is one of your strong points, and you don’t really worry about what they think anyway. You are not paranoid.

    With your 0 % you are: You are somewhat conceited, and have a tendency to assume that you are perfect. Or at least make others think you are. You may be paranoid on the inside, but you would NEVER let it show. It might ruin your “image†. . .

    mmm, maybe that is me - a little bit!

    Sarah :D
  10. cinderelli.jessy

    cinderelli.jessy New Member

    yes jess it does!!!!
    but maybe it doesnt and we just have not understood what they've written... lol

    well, probably we are two dumb blondes
  11. Claire

    Claire New Member

    i would never be able to put the greatness of it into'd just have to live it to see ;) xx
  12. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    enough said!!!!! :p
  13. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member


    Homer simpson!!!!!!!!!!

    I am NOT a fat , yellow old man that probably picks his nose! that is just nasty! Its just a thought!!
    lol :D :D
  14. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol george thats cos ur a pinky colour lol...........homer simposn lol....aww georgey !!!! :D
  15. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    yeah i hate pink! its such a girlie colour!! lol

    but only bright pink! all other pinks are cool! apart from barbie pink that sucks!
  16. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    shuit up george u are such a barbie"!!!!!11 u and ur pink mini skirt and homer simpson pink top lol......
  17. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    how many time!!!!!!!!! Homer simpson is yellow!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    lol....ur colour course i know hes yellow...u diotx.i mean ditz :D ;) ;) ;) ;)
  19. bambi_mad

    bambi_mad New Member

    well how could i have a pink homer simpson t-shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

    You are SO clever!!! lol
  20. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    d'oh ur so dumb homer simpson homers yellow on dimbo :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    thanx i know im clever! ;)

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