Potential Cast Members Sep-Dec 2009

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Bombay-sapphire, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    ah!! that's exciting!!

    Happy early birthday!
  2. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    :D Happy birthday for wednesday love :D
  3. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member

    when you go to florida you can party hardy! :D
  4. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    hahahaha???? r u excited?? havnt spoken to u in ages xxxx
  5. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    by the way have no idea why that weird smiley got up there!! anywayssss its gonna b super cool if u get to celebrate ur bday in disney as well. Parrrrtttyyyyy!!!!
  6. arron87

    arron87 New Member

    I had my phone interview yesterday and I think i did ok. . i was kinda prepared for the questions i got. . but i didnt speak to Jenny or Michele I got some guy who ive never heard from before. . . and I have a feeling the call was recorded for someone else to listen to, because he didnt react or give feedback he simply asked the next question once i finished my answer. . . . did anyone else get this??
    it was a bit confusing but im happy because I thought i answered the questions well! but now the anxious wait begins!!
  7. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Ooh, I'd almost forgotten that phone interviews were still going on.
    Was it Robert you spoke to, or someone else?
    Umm, no I didn't get the feeling that it was being recorded but Jenny did kind of rush through the whole thing, hardly giving me a chance to eleborate on anything.
  8. arron87

    arron87 New Member

    im not sure, i didnt remember his name i was still settling my nerves after Id picked up the phone!
    i dont know its just because he didnt react to anything, except when i said i wanted to go to south america ( he was asking about travelling).
    im glad my guy didnt rush though cos i think i tried to elaborate on most things.
    when did you have yours?
  9. mushu

    mushu New Member

    Last Friday.
    Hmmm, I imagine it would be quite disconcerting if he didn't respond in any way, I know I was quite relieved (even though I'd been through it all before) when Jenny kept saying 'oh yes, very good' or something like that.
    Sounds like yours went ok though!! We kind of figure that we'll hear by the end of next week, what do you reckon?
  10. arron87

    arron87 New Member

    yeah ive been on the ICP program before so i was able to answer most of the questions simply really, as most were about general living over there!
    Yeah hopefully we'll both do well! I think he said a few weeks on the phone so yeah hopefully around 2 weeks! hope not longer I dont want all this anxiety! haha.
  11. sangreazul8

    sangreazul8 Active Member

    hi im roberto im from mexico i had my phone interview on november. now im waiting por f2f dates and city im so anxious. i hope the time passes quickly ::) ;D
  12. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    Hey Aaron, Yea i think u and i had the same guy. He was really nice but yes possibly they were recording it so they can recap on it later, i dunnoo : ) I think i was overly excited on the phone which i was lol. I was nervous but so happy at the same time.
    I did the ICP program too in oct 07 till last year May and it was amazing. I loved every second of it. :D :D
  13. christina travis u dumbass his name is arron! jeez, buy a clue girl! LOL!

    Hey Arron, glad uve joined our psychotic group of worriers on here, im jasper.
    had my phone int a couple of weeks ago, so i am anxiously waiting and trying to avoid crapping myself everytime the phone goes or i check my email. a tip of the hat to aol.
  14. arron87

    arron87 New Member

    It is Arron, but dont worry, I wont hold it against you =p haha.

    My interview was at 10am so I had to get up well before I would usually like, drink lots of caffiene because the last thing I wanted was to sound sleepy on the phone, I think it worked, I spoke in my most high pitched excited voice, which they love at disney! but yeah ill be checking my emails every day waiting to find out if i got the F2F!
  15. ctravis

    ctravis Guest

    I am so sorry Arron, I do apologise. Im Christina by he way. And yep you and me both and stuuuupid self obsessed Jasper hehehe are in nervous agnst in hoping for the f2f. Well everyone is really.
    And Jasper remember......whose the ding bat?? hahaha i cant believe i think im funny hehe. Anyway Arron yes u have def joined the psycho group of def worriers and nerous freaks, esp if u hang with Jasper.
  16. Bite me travis
  17. Arron no fuckin way, i know this counts as facebook stalking, but was looking at ur facebook photos of disney, u stayed in tree house villas??? So did i back in 2006, and i worked MK, that is funny shit
  18. arron87

    arron87 New Member

    Yes! Treehouse (RIP) was amazing!! I cant believe they closed them now. I was there on the last ever night of Treehouses! We all got moved out on January 10th 2008. Where did you work?
  19. I worked Out door foods, so i was everywhere on those shitty popcorn carts. My friends however worked fantasyland attractions so!

    Well lets be honest they were a bit crap, u couldnt get anywhere staying there.

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