The bridget Jones topic gave me the idea to do this poll since so many are looking for MR RIGHT/MRS RIGHT... so what position are you in??
as i wrote into the bridget thread, im def searching and single. So, wheres my prince charming??? hahaha : later! jessy xxx.
hey! i´m also looking for a hot guy...but...i´m going to orlando on june 21st so...hehe...sorry german guys...the boys over there are wayyy hotter ;D!!! ~sina
LONJA!!!! funny how you start the topic but you dont really say what you feel ;D though i think i know... ZPS
I picked Single and searching....though not actively....I'm a bit lazy actually....I just want my perfect guy to find me rather than the other way around....and besides, I've got uni to time to think about having a boyfriend (and from what I can tell from the friends I have who do have boyfriends, sometimes they seem like they're more trouble than they're worth!). I think I'll wait til I'm in Florida and meet a nice Amercian lad....or someone from another pavillion perhaps.....hmmmm....... : Ellen xxxx
it doesn't seem that way....but I'm glad to know there's so many other people out there like me!! I'm not a sad loner after all! Ellen xxx
ok everyone who put searching is secretly desperate.. thats what i believe.. but my new theory is now i will just hate all men until one comes and proves me wrong... what do you think?? as they always say, when you least expect it...
Hey, Am single but not really searching as having a boyfriend was the exact reason i didnt go to disney last time I applied and I do not want to make the same mistake twice!! But, hey, if someone came along Im not gonna say no! Michelle xx
I like your idea stu....plenty of opportunity to travel...I wouldn't mind going all the way to Canada or Italy for a date! Ellen x
yeah i d go as well.... even if i decided to hate men.. but who could resist a cute canadian or norwegian??so who ll be the one with the dating agency??
as the UK is in between the americas and europe, i think that i would be a perfect candidate for setting the dating agency up. send me a cheque for $20 and i will start the ball rolling!!!! ha ha ha, just messing but it is a good idea, there should be more businesses set up with regards to the commons life and the opportunities it holds. Gareth
i'm single and happy. coz i dont want to have a relationship while i'm at disney. i dont want to phone every day with a extreme jealous girlfriend and report everything i've done. (that's what my mom will surely do. ;D) that's the main reason i'm currently not in a relationship. maybe i'll think about it after disney. ;D thx for your attention vince
i think getting into a relationship while you're out there would be quite good....but not going to Florida while you're still tied down to someone! (sorry, no offence anyone who was/is!)...I just don't think you'd be able to properly relax and let go and enjoy yourself knowing that you'd left someone so special behind who couldn't be there with you'd always miss them!! so, hurrah for all the single people!! ellen xxx