still waiting....

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disneytastic, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. Mikey_M

    Mikey_M New Member

    got the call too, think it's good news! I asked a few questions about how many positions will be available she said roughly 2 leaving dates a month for the last few months of the year and if it's around 7 people to a leaving date so plenty, just for us waitlistee's!
  2. disneytastic

    disneytastic New Member

    hello :) so just got the phone call,abit depressing! and theres still no guarauntee that we will get off the waitlist :-(

    I cheekily asked how many people where still on the list be she couldnt really say which is fair enough :)

    Im going to give it afew months and decide if i want to re apply or not if we havent got off the waitling list.

    What date did she say for us that the waitlist will be cut off?

    Also she said Disney will probably only come over once this year, does i assume that all the candidates that have applied in january will have there interviews in june?
  3. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    Just wondering, when will the June applicants be for, i.e. if Jan applicants are 2012, surely it's not 2013.
  4. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    I think you've got the wrong end of the stick. They're talking about June interviews, meaning the Jan applicants will have their f2f interviews in June.
  5. disney-dude

    disney-dude New Member

    ha ha ha thanks, I was thinking my goodness they are going a bit far ahead in terms of recruitment ha ha ha, ooops ;D
  6. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

  7. disneytastic

    disneytastic New Member

    I said sooner would be better but anytime otherwise:) what about yourself?I think it'll either definately be oct of nov, as thy don't generally take people on in dec:) about 14 are taken on a month 28 places,about 20 waitlisted I wrecking and rest will be filled with new applicants... Just a tepry but that's what they did last year xxx
  8. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

  9. Charlyjo

    Charlyjo New Member


    Hannah said try not to post things about the calls untill everyone has said a call. As it will confuse and panic people. (which is has) Don't mean to put a downer on things but it is what she said. x
  10. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Fair enough. Sorry if any confusion was caused- she didn't say anything about not posting and as it wasn't anything more than we'd been saying really I didn't see the problem, especially as I assumed they'd call everyone today. But obviously that wasn't the case so again, sorry if it's confused anyone and I've modified my posts just in case.
  11. disneytastic

    disneytastic New Member

    Hannah didn't say anything about it as everyone would find out today,but i know what you mean.
  12. smagfx

    smagfx New Member

    Hey everyone, I haven't been on here in quite some time...ok ok a long time lol.

    Just wondering how is everyone feeling after this weeks news?
    Positive/Negative? xx
  13. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    I suppose I'm feeling quite positive about it. I'm glad that Hannah called everyone and let them know what was happening though, It's nice not to be speculating all the time. However, I'm still not taking it as a given and am still pursuing my back up option. Will just have to see what happens. How are you feeling about things Craig?? xoxo
  14. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Hey fireman sam long time no speak :D

    I'm feeling mixed, but mainly positive. More of a chance can only be a good thing, right? But like megan I'm not falling into the trap of believing anythings definite. Feel much less restless than I did last week though which is great for my sanity lol x
  15. smagfx

    smagfx New Member

    LOL I now have the fireman sam theme tune in my's gunna be weeks before I get it out =P

    I'm feeling kinda like a queue at Space Mountain, you think you're there to get on only to see the sign '20min waiting time from this point' *sigh* Like the rest of us I've also got plans which I want to implement but I don't want to get into it and then get the call =\ .... and no it's not to become a fireman, although I am ginger and I'm always on the scene, oh and my engine is quite clean *hums theme* DAMNIT! >.< xx
  16. xSarahLizx

    xSarahLizx New Member

    "Sam is the hero next door!" DAMN! It's catchy tune :-\
  17. disneytastic

    disneytastic New Member

    i feel more relaxed, as ive been assured there doing all the can and basically try not to think about it, if some people start getting off the list however i will probably go back to what i was before:)

    Im not feel positive or negative, as i have no idea if we are going at all.but it does give us more of a chance and we should really be number 1 priority after all the time we have waited.

    So hopefully we will all be out there in october or november,with some of the newbies too :)
  18. xSarahLizx

    xSarahLizx New Member


    ok, please please don't hate me.. and Sarah don't feel disheartened. I got a call today with a place!! I had to do a quick phone interview with HRC, but yea... I'm now doing HRC. But rest assured that Hannah and the yummy jobs team are working so hard to get the waitlist moving. And there are going to be places coming up towards the end of the year.
    There is still so much hope guys I promise you, keep positive xx
  19. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Congratulations! Of course no-one going to hate you- it gives us all hope anyway!

    I'm well excited for you chick! Can't believe they made u interview tho, that's crazy! X
  20. disneytastic

    disneytastic New Member

    Thats brilliant! Pleased you got a place:)HRC sounds really good!xx

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