how good does ur french have to be to work at disneyland paris? I can't take a year out to work in WDW...but could do a summer...i hear they have summer jobs in DLP! x
Hey Baby_natz Well, my housemate worked there for a summer as part of her year abroad during her French degree, needless to say her French is great. But she said you really don't have to have that great french to work there, as long as you can get passed the interview (which is no way as hard as the WDWIP one!). And the interview questions are pretty basic, so as long as you practise you should be fine . My housemate really enjoyed her time there, although the accomodation isn't as plush as Florida its a great experience, and you make great friends, which will improve your French effortlessly! And of course, its great on your CV, especially if your planning on doing the WDWIP. If you have any questions i'll pass them onto her and get back to you! Beth :-*
no that's cool thanks! I did french at school, to scottish higher level, which is basically AS hopefully that will suffice. I went their last summer...some of the people at the ticket office were really multi-lingual. This summer I wanna develop my french speaking ability, eat baguettes all day and work for the mouse... x
Just spoken to my mate, basically the level of your French will really affect where you work. She didn't get to work for ticketing as you need three languages! But her French was good enough to allow her to work on an attraction, if your French isn't great then you might not get the better jobs, i.e. you might have to work at a food kiosk all day. However, some of the people she worked with on attractions didn't have as good French as her (shes pretty good), so I suppose the better you practice, the more likely you are to have a more interesting job!