Telephone interview for early 2011

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Billy_Bailey, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    The numbers I've always worked on were:
    ~1000 applicants ---> ~300 phone interviews = 1/3
    ~300 phone interview ---> ~150/100 F2F interviews = 1/2 to 1/3
    ~150/100 F2F interviews ---> ~30/40 secure places (not waiting list) = ~2/5

    The number that I've always been most uncertain on is secure places. Perhaps the guys that've done the program before could give a better idea of how many people are working the pavillion at one time, thus dividing it in two for number of places?

    Of course, my numbers could be complete trash and non sense, so feel free to ignore me.
  2. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    id guess theres about 80-odd of us there at any given time, maybe more...... the larger arrival groups tend to go over during peak periods (high summer for example) in april my arrival group had only 7 of us and we were all F&B whereas some of the june and july groups had like 10 - 15 people in them and were a mix of merch, f&B & hrc..........

    id say that secure spots that are going to be given straight away are maybe between 60 - 70......ish.......

    but there again it depends on what numbers they need for when and how well that matches up with what we all put down as our availability.....

    we could go on for hours trying to work it all out but theres no real way to actually know for sure unless you ask yummy jobs!!
  3. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    I bet even yummy don't really know. They probably know how many people they have to get to F2F interviews, but only Disney can predict how busy a season they'll have and how many people to employ!
  4. I just wanted to wish everyone one final Good Luck, in case we do find out tomorrow!

    I reckon if tomorrow is D-D-Day (Disney Decision Day) emails may possibly be sent out around close of business, so a long day of waiting with a stomach churning feeling of worry and an overwhelming need to check emails every two seconds.
  5. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    well true yeah but YJ have been doing this for years now so they will have a good idea of how many open spots they are likely to have......

    anyway, theres not a lot of point us all stressing about it and trying to number crunch, just have to hope that we all keep getting through really!!! :D
  6. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    Yeah you're probably right- that's when the emails for the phone interviews were sent out. So everyone check your junk mail around 5pm lol
  7. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    Wow jeans and coats in Florida!!! I can't imagine wearing those... seeing as I've only ever been there during the summer/ early autumn months I've only ever experienced the crazy heat weather. Does it every get cold enough for snow over there?
    If I'm lucky enough to get to Florida it'd be strange to have Christmas without the British winter weather. I do love the huge thunderstorms over there though, we never get impressive lightening in Wales.
  8. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    it gets cold in the winter, ive heard this winter past was the coldest on record (?) and there was frost in some places.....

    it got chilly and you do need a coat and stuff during december/january but no, i dont think your going to see a white christmas im afraid (aside from the "snow" at magic kingdom at christmas....!) the storms are amazing, i loved it, the rain gets a bit tedious in the summer tho, every afternoon it rains......
  9. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    they did have a rea;lly light flurry of snow out there this year but it didnt settle or anything

    if your on my friend list on fb and look at my photos there are some pics of xmas stuff including busch gardens that was bizarre lol and seaworld where they have a shamu character in a santa hat :D

    when i was there for xmas i actually had xmas day off so i cooked a big roast dinner for about 8 people and we had a silly santa between us where we each bought some jokey toys and stuff for $10 which was fun it was really nice tho

    we also did a secret santa in work which was cool as well and you get a xmas gift too from the company for us it was a little snow white trinkety box made to look slightly aged.

    xmas is a good time cos you also get that wonderful book of vouchers and coupons (like 50% off meal voucher!& free photopass pic voucher etc) and the 40% merchandise discount. which was awesome! Also theres tonne sof cool stuff to do like mickeys very mery christmas party, the -dont laugh-Gay Lord Palms icetraveganza, the christmas on ice show at BG, Shamus Holiday wishes which is a show at seaworld plus theres the cadnlelight stff at epcot, the osbourne family dancing light at hollywood studios etc

    in fact from setpember onwards theres tonnes of cool stuff you have food and wine which is fun if you go drinking/eating round the world, then its halloween aso like busch gardens, universla and disney have events, then its xmas and then its new years eand they pout on cool fireworks and stuff and then the parks get really quiet the weather starts to get warmer and you get to go play in the parks with most rides on under 30 mins queues yay lol which lasts til beginning of feb and crowds build up again :) you find lots of local AP holders come around that time after xmas cos its quieter
  10. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    Sounds like they've got a hell of a lot going on out there round Xmas! It all sounds sooo fun.
    I love how the Americans seem to go all out for their holidays. Like Halloween for example, it's celebrated so much more out there than Britain (don't know whether if it's because Orlando is a tourist area). Absolutely love the Halloween Horror Nights at Universal, my poor bro was 11 at the time and was terrified! The person selling us the tickets said it wasn't anything too scary... my dad had to give him a piggyback round the entire park.
    And I'd love to be in America for 4th of July and Thanksgiving! Do they do themes at the different countries in Epcot for national holidays? Like for the different patron saints in Britain or bonfire night?
  11. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    they dont do anything front of house no, aside from st patricks day (and yes, i know that st patrick is irish before anyone starts banging on about that) but st paddys is a hugggge thing in america - especially for bars and pubs so yes, the rose and crown being the only full service bar in epcot gets on board with green guiness and stuff!!!!
    they do a lot of stuff backstage for cast members tho, theres often cakes and sweets and stuff and they did a bbq and stuff for bonfire night, was cool :)

    4th of july is AWESOME, such a great atmosphere

    new years even is also fantastic, a great party atmosphere :D
  12. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    they do a lot of cast parties for stuff liek for bonfire night in the uk and stuff but not really for guests. the major uk one they celebrate is st patricks day tho and thats for guests as well and its totally mad. theres always something going on in the 'quiter' months you e.g. outside main holidays/school holidays so that would be food and wine in sept when schools are back and home and garden in april/may then u have summer stuff

    they throw quite a few parties back stage for cast like when you reach so many days without an accident and if your in merch you sometimes get gifts form the companies who supply disney i know people who got given earing snad necklaces, in fnb sometimes the chefs will cook up some food and you get ot eat it after ya shift and stuff and theres like pizza and burgers for the safety parties as well
  13. Jen_J

    Jen_J New Member

    Aw I love how they throw parties for the CMs, sounds like Disney really took care of you guys over there. I like the sound of the "we haven't had an accident for a while" parties ;D sounds so random lol
    Hearing about what goes on out there has gotten me all excited!!! Reeeally should try and sleep before work tomorrow seeing as I'm up in about 6 and a half hours, but knowing we could be getting THE EMAIL tomorrow really isn't helping.
  14. Lesley86

    Lesley86 New Member

    morning everyone! ;D

    just wanted to say a huge GOOD LUCK to everyone waiting for the emails today/next week. im heading off to a wedding today and staying away for the night so might not have much of a chance to get online today but il be keeping my fingers crossed for everyone!!!!! have a great weekend :) Kerry x
  15. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Ok so I woke up, was getting for work with radio 1 on, and mcfly was on, and chris moyles said "let's go to disney land!" Then they all started talking about how Tom from mcfly was obsessed with disneyworld, and has been three times this year! Tandom piece of info, maybe a sign, who knows haha
    Made me smile anyway :p
  16. kanga-rooney

    kanga-rooney Member

    lets hope Yummy made all the right choices ;)
    keep an eye on those junk folders! won't fool me twice :D
  17. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Aww! Seconded! Getting all psyched up - bet the YJ crew are having a right giggle at us reading our anticipating D-Day posts! Aha. Good Luck everyone!! :D
  18. VickyPul

    VickyPul New Member

    :eek: omg I just got an email from some random job that I applied for ages ago and had totally forgotten about, telling me that my application had been unsuccessful. Just starting to breathe again now... Why did they pick today to email me? I genuinely nearly cried lol thought it was from yj!
  19. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Ahhh you just made my heart skip a beat with just the first 6 words!!!! Lol aww what a silly time to email you! Do they not know what today is!!!! Lol
  20. roxysurfroxy

    roxysurfroxy Member

    Same Here! Yes, that is awful timing of the company! Haha.

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