Hi all. Nothing to do with Disney here but thought you would be the best people to ask as you seem to have seen alot of america. I have been accepted on an exchange to study at the university of tennesse at knoxville and was wondering if there is anything worth visiting whilst i live in the state of tennesse? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Gracelands? Dollywood?...they're the only things I know of...and probably PURE cheese....but Im sure disney people can deal with that! Ellen xxx
Feeona - ive been to nashville airport - tennesee - it looked nice when we flew into it and the local tenessee people we met were really friendly! Its got country music hall of fame and more cheesy stuff like Ellen said! Justin Timberlake's from Memphis! I did an exchange year in upstate New York - best year of my life - its mainly about the people u meet more than the place and living the american life for a year. Go for it if u can... Tho check the dates u start and stuff if ur going this yr. Most american unis start back late August. You'd have to leave a few weeks to go back and get a new visa between doing disney and doing ur exchange... Marie xxx
Hey yeh thats definately why i applied to see a part of American life and meet different people. I am ok with the visa stuff because I am going Jan 2006!
Aw thats great Feeona. U gotta go then - ive never met anyone who didnt have a blast on their exchange. That will work out so well u go on disney then get to go home then go back to Tennesee. U will of course have to visit us all too! xxx
I did a road trip to tennesee, went to Graceland (which was splendidly cheesy-I loved it!!!) went for a night out in Memphis and had a blast. Arkansas is just across the river from Memphis - there's some wonderful National Park places to go to there - I highly recommend it Think knoxville is closer to Kentucky than Arkansas though! - The people are great you'll love it I'm sure.
Hi I live in and go to university in Tennessee so I could probably answer any questions you guys have UTK is a really nice school and I don't know if any of you are familiar with it but in downtown Knoxville there is a large golden sphere that looks retro futuristic and a bit like a smaller version of Spaceship Earth its called the sunsphere and it was from the worlds fair back in 1982 they had it on an episode of the Simpsons, I think Knoxville is pretty cool, quite historic and good clubs and music scene anything more specific you want to know?
Hey, well, I guess you won't just stay in Tennessee! You defenitely have to see New York at christmas, New Orleans/Mardi Gras, Sunshinestate Florida/Keys, Daytona Beach at spring break, the West Coast (really beautiful!!) with San Francisco, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Death Valley, LA maybe, but I didn't like it that much, Buffalo/Niagara Falls, and what I've heard like Chicago, Seattle, and all the great cities. To get a flight in the states is not very expensive, there are tickets from 50$ if you plan early enough... And, also what I've heard, like Mexico, Puerto Rico, Bahamas and, but thats a little more expensive, Hawaii. 8) AND DUN FORGET DISNEY!!!!!!!!! ;D as we are on a Disney-site Enjoy your time over there and try to get around a lot... Anna
wanna see new york at xmas..though not sure id be able to get the time off . wanna go to hawaii, my uncle goes there all the time and it looks great in the photos!! xx
Thanks all! Im only going to be there for a semester so I wont have much time to travel. Im planning on travelling in my month after disney. Hi colinnova its so cool that there is somebody on this site who is at that university. I have never been to that part of the US before, and so just had to pick which uni i wanted to go to without much information. Butfrom what info i could get it did look quite a scenic place? Are you going to be working at disney?
Feeona - im sure youll have a blast. I picked my exchange uni quite randomly (as its quite competitive to go abroad at my uni - so i didnt think id get accepted) and loved it! If ur going spring semester you will get some chance to travel. At my uni we had 2 spring breaks! I went to Washington DC for the short 1, then Miami for the long one for the real colege spring break exerience! Then i travelled for a month when i finished in early May! You def picked the best semester to travel... Linz - NYC is lovely at Xmas the tree and ice rink at Rockefeller is so cute! Id love to go to Hawaii too! Been watching too much average joe hawaii i think but it looks so beautiful! xxx
Yeh thats exactly the same at my uni, the competition was high to go abroad. I completely forgot about spring break wow now im realy looking forward to going!
You'll love spring break Feeona! Hopefully us 1 year program lot will get to enjoy spring break too! xxx
Hey Feeona yeah I am hoping to work at the american pavillion at epcot I have some friends who were long time cast members at disney and even though they don't work there now they have connections still and it is just really a matter of me working out my schedule with uni and all Tennessee is very scenic, very much so over all but Knoxville and UTK are right in the middle of downtown if you are used to wide open space and stuff it might feel a bit closed in but about twenty minute drive in either direction and you will be in pretty countryside I quite like Knoxville as cities go it isnt too big but it is still exciting and it is very historic there is a great old movie palace called the Tennessee theatre where they show old movies in the summer if you are into that any other questions I can help you with?
FEEEEEEEOOOOONNNNNA!!!!!!How cool ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D How did you get an opportunity like that??I would love to know,as I will bring it up to my tutors!!! Thanx Natalia x
Well we have a programme called the socretese ( i think thats how you spell it) exchange. Our university had already agreed the exchanges with several american uni's and then they informed us at the start of the year about the exchange and how to apply. It is because i am studying american literature. But i hear that at our uni and most uni's if you ask your tutor's you may be able to go and study practically anywhere in the world. If i really wanted I could have gone to china or australia but i would have had to arrange it with those unis myself. Really you should just ask one of youre tutors if there are any opportunities for you to study abroad!