I just thought I'd let those who reapplied know that we have to wait for 6 months. I did and this is the response I got: Many thanks for your application on www.yummyjobs.com for the Cultural Representative Program. After reviewing our files, we see that you have recently applied for this program and we had responded to you. We are very pleased with the amount of interest we received from applicants across the country wanting to participate in Disney’s Cultural Representative Program and after carefully reviewing each application; we have made decisions for this season’s recruitment. The huge number of applications we receive makes the recruitment process extremely competitive and at this time we do feel that there are stronger applicants available to consider and therefore we are currently unable to consider you further for the program. As you were previously not selected, we request you wait at least 6 months before you reapply and in the meantime, in order to make your application stronger, we encourage you to gain more experience in the restaurant, retail, and hospitality industry. We understand and are very excited by your passion for the program and know you will understand that, like when applying for any other company, you will keep a professional approach and be respectful of our decision. Due to the volume of applications we are currently handling we are unable to offer individual feedback. But once again we do welcome you to gain more relative experience and to reapply in 2010. All the best, Kristen Thornton Yummy Jobs
Has anyone else who reapplied after not getting an interview NOT heard back from YJ?? I sent an email on Tuesday and applied through the website but haven't heard a thing, not sure whether that's a good thing or not! :-\
Im not too sure but I think YJ are having a bit of trouble recieving emails from reading other peoples posts and not receiving a confirmation email?!?! x
aargh....now i don't know whether i should resend the email!?! I did apply through the website as well, so hopefully, if nothing else they should get that.... I think i'll just leave it up to fate...what will be will be...
These forums have really died off... I think all the chatty people got the declines and have run away into the ether! I didn't honestly think it was possible, but wow.
Im finding this all rather exciting.. I remember back when i was one of you guys last July.. waiting Got declined, god damn it!! Ah well Im in Florida now Its raining today and i have work in an hour and a half! Darrnnn UK fish hut haha anyways Chin up guys! Good luck!
So if you got declined last July how'd you get out there for now? Did you get waitlisted in January or summat? I returned to dreary England to a dreary email also, but I havn't given up (much)
She's one of these people who re-applied/rang up and they gave her a chance. Ther other one I'm thinking of is Bongalina from the Janurary round.
hey i'm new on here When do we actually start applying for summer 2010? Is it now or do we have to wait until september like some people say? ???
Some people are already having their phone interviews for Summer 2010. I'm not sure if the applications are still open or not, but now would be the time to apply if they are. If the applications have closed then you're too late, and you'll have to wait until Janurary to apply, and if you got through you wouldn't be going to Florida until Sept 2010 at the earliest.
hey guys sorry i havnt posted for a while, the reason beeing, i normally get a email when a new post is posted, and for a while i havnt been getting any, so i thought the forum just died, butttt im still here guys. waiting it out for the next applications with you
Give it a month or 2 and we'll have to start a new thread off for the new batch of applicants. We won't be August 2009 Applicants after all, will we?
sure wont vikki, but next time, we will have to see if we can beat the posts and views that this one has had hehe
I'll keep following for either: a) I'll be applying with you guys ago b) following you all see see when you'll be joining me More likely option (a) since I've had a run of bad luck recently.