U.K August 2009 Applicants

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    That's going to be bloody hard! Especially if we keep posting in this thread... we're not helping ourselves any!

    Jon, stop being so pessimisstic... you've had your phone interview, I'm sure it went amazingly, and I look forward to seeing the excited "I'm going to London" post from you.
  2. elspeth91

    elspeth91 New Member

    Do they take people from september onward? i thought it was just june and january
    because that would actually fit in a lot better with my plans!
  3. ellie88

    ellie88 New Member

    when I had my phone interview they said you would start Feb 2010 earliest!
  4. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    They take people any time of year. They do two lots of interview sessions... one now and one in Janurary, but departure dates are all through the year. The August interviews depart Feb - June the following year, the Jan interviews depart July - Dec the same year. So currently, the earlist you can leave will be Feb 2010. And that's if you're successfull in this current set of interviews.
  5. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    Jon, dont be silly, you know your good enough, and at the amount of people they have refuse this time you must have a veryyyyyyy good chance of getting out there seeing as you got through :)
  6. Tinkershell

    Tinkershell New Member

    I'm confused why yummy jobs seem to have rejected a lot of people yet applications are still open. Id of thought esp the ones who were in really early would have the drive to do this program rather than those who just see it and think it'd be fun and apply now. I wish they'd give some of the guys on here a chance at even the phone interview to prove themselves :( xoxox
  7. ellie88

    ellie88 New Member

    Maybe the people that were rejected weren't suitable and maybe some new people with relevant experience are! :-\
  8. Tinkershell

    Tinkershell New Member

    I'm just feeling really bad for those who got rejected this early on :(
  9. ellie88

    ellie88 New Member

    You've probably been on these forums more than me and got to know people! I only found out about these a few weeks ago so don't know anyone. But thems the breaks! Whatevers meant to be, will be. :)
  10. catherine

    catherine New Member

    Hi guys!
    this is my first ever forum so i hope i do this right!
    just wondering if any of you guys are hoping to work with disney between A-levels and uni? i wanna take a gap year out then, but i'm not sure if i can apply before i'm 18 and what to write on the cv about this?? ???

    please let me know if your in the same position or can help, good luck to you all :)
  11. It's not experience that is the problem. It just seems to be the luck of the draw a lot of the time. As others have said before, they have so many to respond to in a limited time span.
  12. ellie88

    ellie88 New Member

    So it's literally luck of the draw then or whoever likes the look of your CV. Or maybe they'd like people who havent worked at Disney before to get the chance!
  13. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Hey catherine

    I am 17 and in the same position i applyed in Aughust and got rejected however we have one more chance to aplly in January to go for a gap year before the start of 2011 acidemica year. Also is does not matter as long as you are 18 when you go. Hope this helps and you have more luck then i do.
  14. catherine

    catherine New Member

    Thankyou for the message! :)
    i'm sorry that you got rejected, but make sure you apply again in January! You never know we might meet at disney 2010 :) good luck!
  15. vikki88

    vikki88 New Member

    My friend applied on the 12th of August but hasn't heard anything no phone interview or rejection letter :S
    Ive had my phone interview and i keep telling her that they will let her know either way. Are people still getting emails about phone interviews or have they finished now? Also would she have been sent a rejection before now? ???

  16. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    That would be cool don't worrie there not going to get rid of me that easily!!! have you heard from them yet?? Good luck anywho xx
  17. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    All the Brits seem to have vanished. I know alot of people have gone because they didn't get through, but what about those that did?! All I seem to be reading now is Canadians and Mexicans! I want to support my fellow brits, and I can't do that if you're not here!!!
  18. I'm still here even if I did get rejected :(
  19. racheey

    racheey New Member

    Hi, I applied on the same day and haven't heard anything either.. just thought i'd let you know your friend is not alone lol. It's so frustrating I just want to know! x
  20. Scottishwoody

    Scottishwoody New Member

    Hey, I applied on the 9th of August and still haven't heard anything. Good to know I'm not the only one :p

    One thing that is bugging me know, after you hit 'Apply Now' on the YJ site, does it send you a confirmation email, because I never got anything.

    Only email I've ever received from them was my registration confirmation.

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