U.K August 2009 Applicants

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney.freak, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    They emailed me saying they arn't ACCEPTING CVs until August.

    I wish there was one correct source of info!
  2. donghae

    donghae New Member

    hello :)

    i applied last year however got turned down considering i had not enough experience. therefore ever since i took on a job in a restaurant and hopefully when august comes around this time I'll have a better chance of getting in.

    good luck for when the time comes everybody!

    (by the way, the august applications, when is the start date range for when you are applying for?)
  3. aj2721

    aj2721 New Member

    The current interviews are for positions mainly in fall/autumn, so its likely the next batch of interviews will be for positions from near the beginning of 2010.
  4. When I phoned Ilse about the graduate being cancelled she told me that the August interviews are for those wanting to go out between February and June or July (can't remember which one).
  5. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    Hiya, I've seen all the info about the program and am now dyinnggggg to go! One thing though, I haven't done any face to face selling in a while (been working in recruitment and telesales) and the last time i worked in a shop was Nov 2007. Do you think I stand a chance or would it be worth getting some updated f2f exp?
  6. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    As long as you have relevant experience I don't see why you wouldn't have a chance. Besides which, in telesales and recruitment you are still dealing with people. It depends however if you want to apply for food and beverage or merchandise; that is when relevant experience would be needed most. Also don't forget the all important cover letter to send off with your CV, that is crucial to letting them know your relevant experience and why you want to take part in the program :) I hope this helps
  7. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    Thanks for the advice! I am currently reading over my cv & covering letter for the 20th time in a hour :p

    Any idea if they are accepting applications for the next interview session yet?

    Thanks x
  8. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    They will accept your CV now, however they're not reviewing new applicants until August, so it will be quite a wait!
    I'm going to review my CV and cover letter after I've finished exams and then I will probably submit my application after I come back from my Holiday to Florida in July. The only problem with sending it in this early is the possibility of it getting lost. But you can always email around august time just to check and see if they've got it or not. You wouldn't want to miss out on the application time due to them not receiving the application.
  9. clover

    clover New Member

    HI everyone, my names clover im 25 years old and i am on the waitlist from the April 1st interviews! i dont know whether to reapply for the august applications or will this affect my position on the waitlist?? any ideas??? x
  10. 626Stitch

    626Stitch New Member

    You can wait until august and send your application in then, if you email yummy, you can ask them for you to be kept on the waitlist until august and then be considered for the next round of applications. So I would say you leave it a while until you reapply and just see what happens as you can't reapply and still be on the wait list- so you would have to give up your waitlist place. I hope this helps =]
  11. grelb

    grelb Guest

    august seems to far away :(
  12. Yea it does, but im on the wait list, and if i have to do it again, thats okay cos honestly this process really does fly by. I mean i can't believe it was already a month ago that i had my interview
  13. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    Tomorrow is May...and then we'll be way into the summer, and summer always flies by so it'll be August before we know it :D

    Then we'll all be waiting on phone interveiws, and face to face interviews, and placements, and visa interviews, ect, ect ;D
  14. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    So.....who's applying come August? I'm practically pissing myself with excitement already, have both CV & coverletter ready to apply :p Not sure how I'm going to last till August!!
  15. BeautifulBelle

    BeautifulBelle New Member

    Hello my feelllooowww applicant babys! havent been on here in a bloomin' while :p
    anyway so a quick question to those who have already been thru the process, i'm planning a trip to oz between december and january, is this a bad idea with the whole application stuff because i'll need to be in the uk for various interviews and getting visas and what not?
  16. no i dont think so, i think the process will take place from august-november at the latest.
  17. jackpope

    jackpope New Member

    i may just apply again if waitlist doesn't work out, another day in london can never hurt!
  18. Yea u know it pope!
  19. blackcatuk

    blackcatuk New Member

    Gutted! Yummy Jobs have just changed the goal posts again!!

    "UK: Applications are now closed. If you are interested, we will keep your application on hold in case any further positions are made available next year. Otherwise we welcome you to apply for Summer 2010 from September 1, 2009 onwards!"


    Blehhhh ignore that, looked at the ICP one by accident!! Almost gave myself a heart attack
  20. iHEARTflorida

    iHEARTflorida New Member

    OMG you confused me there, until I read you edit!

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