UK CEP summer 2016 applicants

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by LostGirlT, Jul 12, 2015.

  1. I know right!! I was like... ok ok... so... there are a few people in my group that did better than others in getting their personality across and such. But it's so hard!!
    Pfthaha brilliant. That's a great one! It stands out because I doubt anyone else would have said him! :D I haven't even met you, and you're already classed as a good friend to me X3 So I think it's accurate!
    I know o-o oh man... Yeah... I heard that. So we have like... 50% chance!! So sosoososososososossssosososoo hoping it'll be ok!!
    We don't have a HMV near us anymore T^T it got closed recently ;3;
  2. LostGirlT

    LostGirlT Member

    Yeeeah same!!! I just don't know what they were looking for?? Or if I said the right things? Ahh fingers crossed for both of us!! I'm so desperate for us to both get in XD hehe,
    Aw thank you! I was a bit unsure of who to say but I'm glad went with him :D hehe that's so lovely of you to say! I'd class you as a good friend too! XD can't wait for us to (hopefully!) have a pre-Disney big hero 6 party haha!
    Yeah pretty much 2 people to a place :O! I would do any role just to be out there! Oh man! Yeah they seem to have closed them all over the place??
  3. I think they were looking for personality?? Maybe?? X3
    Same!! I'm so so hyped X3
    Yay :D
    I seriously think, if we get through this stage, we can get through the final stage!! And then there shall be a BH6 party!! :D X3
    exactly o-o
    yeah it's cause they haven't been doing well due to amazon and such T^T
  4. LostGirlT

    LostGirlT Member

    Yeah I think I remember them saying the interviews were just to see our personality??
    Same! If we get through this one we can definitely do it :D!!!! Gahh this waiting is killing me! I want to know now! :O
    Ohhh yeah that makes sense - such a shame I love wandering around HMV!
  5. I think we both have good personalities for the job X3 so i think we got it :3 hehe i hope so anyway!!!!
    I know right! Only been a day and im over thinking it!
    Same... all the disney and anime ;3;
  6. Heyy... yeah. So I didn't get in.
    I truly hope you did. But as I haven't heard from you... It doesn't seem like good news on your end either...
  7. (Would it be really rude to ask if I could add you on Facebook? I'd hate to lose contact with you. Only if that's ok though obviously. I was just thinking... maybe we could meet up some time in the future and stuff. It would be really nice to meet you properly. I'd just hate to lose contact at this point. Only if you're comfortable with that obviously!!) Hope all is well.
  8. LostGirlT

    LostGirlT Member

    Hey! I'm sorry I didn't reply last night I was at a friend's birthday meal until late and didn't even realise the emails had come out!! :eek:
    Oh no :( Joey I am so so sorry to hear that, Sending a massive hug, I hope you're okay? It's absolutely no reflection on you at all because you're so great, and fun and kind!
    Aw of course!!! I would love to stay in contact! We've got along so well it would be such a shame to lose that :) I'm afraid to say I don't have Facebook though! We could swap numbers/emails if you want? I'm not sure if there's a way to do a private chat on here?
    And last but not least.....I got through to the next round! I'm so excited and feel so so lucky - I'm just absolutely gutted that they're missing out on you! I really do hope you're okay and you definitely must apply for another Disney program!! *big hugs back*
    That makes me feel one thousand times better!!!! Honestly... oh man I am so happy you got through. I am gonna be sticking around on here to hear how it goes!!!!!!
    I'm ok. I'm gutted but everything happens for a reason.
    But yeah.. My E-mail's I guess I'm so used to people having Facebook these days! O_O It's just an easy way to keep in contact with people i guess >u<
    That makes me so happy though. Seriously oh man I'm so excited for you! You have to let me know how your interview and stuff goes!! *eeeeep* :D
  10. (and my number iiissssss 07982644077 :3)
  11. LostGirlT

    LostGirlT Member

    THANK YOU!!! :D:D:D:D I am so so happy/excited/nervous!!! Hehe It hasn't quite sunken it yet, best get practising questions again! :O
    Glad you're okay, I'm so gutted for you too, yes everything happens for a reason and it just means something else amazing is out there waiting for you! I'd definitely still love to meet up and to see BH6 XD
    Yeah sorry, it does make communicating a little more difficult! Perfect :) I'll text/email!
    Thank so much, it means a lot! Of course XD I'll fill you in on everything!!!
  12. I'm rooting for you! You'll do amazingly if you've already got this far you'll nail the next bit.
    Yea!! I'd still love to do that, especially if you get on the program! It'll be a celebration for you :D
    Nah it's ok n_n Awesome :D
    Yaaaaay! :D Can't wait to hear all about it n_n When's your interview? Have you found out the dates yet? :)

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