Hi. I was just wondering where everyone went to in their uni to get them done cause ive emailed a few people like tutors and student services but they haven't replied. With the dealine getting closer I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. Thank You.
hey! i went to the main admin office and they had a request form you could fill out to get letters written. probably different in every uni i suppose. hope that helps anyways elaine xx
The campus career center did mine for me. They said they'd done them a ton of times before, so it was no problem for me. I just had to figure out that it was them that did them which took a few days.
Yeah, Basically the same with me. Do you have a personal tutor? Because thats who is doing mines for me
Bugger I'd forgotten about that. Sent an email to the undergraduate office but haven't had a reply either...the problem is, I'm not physically AT my university this year cos I'm on my year abroad ??? When IS the deadline again??
Hey tinydancinggirl I think you just need it in time for your VISA interview cause if you look on the form of what to bring its on that - so as long as you have it in time for that you should be fine - I might however be wrong
hey i've already been for my visa interview and they didn't ask me for anything from the uni. at that point i didn't have my letters yet and took my fees confirmation instead as yummy jobs do tell you to take proof that you are returning to uni but the visa people didn't ask for it. so don't worry if you don't have them by the time of your interview. elaine xx
Hi thanks for all your help in the end they wouldnt print the letter on university paper for some reason and i have the standard letter they print for everyone which i hope will be ok.
Does it say that we have to send them this by the 15th of May in one of the things that yummy sent us - cause I cant find it anywhere! Cheers
Yeah sorry I was being slow well I've sent the letters to my personal tutor and she says she'll do them this week so fingers crossed!! Jess xx
not to sure about the college program....it could very well be diffrent for each country...i would call cast-a-way and ask if your curious