
Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by tinkithink, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    Are the washers and dryers coin-op? 'Cause that would suckkk. Also, do people steal laundry?
  2. Mauro

    Mauro New Member

    I have never heard of anyone stealing laundry¡¡¡ anyway ...washer/dryers do not operate on coins...they do operate on prepaid cards.
  3. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    prepaid cards!
    how much for a load of laundry??
  4. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    when i was at university I had a pre paid card for laundry. I think it was like 20 cents a load (Canadian)
  5. SteffieDavis

    SteffieDavis New Member

    at my uni we have prepaid laundry cards as well, but the cost is about $1.85 to wash, $2.60 to dry. ya it got expensive sometimes!
  6. Mom-eh

    Mom-eh Member

    If you live in the Commons the washers and dryers are right in your individual apartments and you don't pay, its included in your rent. In Chatham there are a few laundry rooms on the complex grounds for you to use - you have to pay for a wash and dry there though.
  7. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    do they provide laundry detergent too? ;) probably not, i just thought i'd ask though lol
  8. MegD

    MegD New Member

    i think there might be a vending machine with laundry detergent stuff. I just bought a bottle and split it with roomies. If you're at vista or chatham and use the cards for your laundry it's 1$ a wash and 1$ to dry. I've never heard of laundry being stolen, but I always made sure I checked on it anyway so I could take it out as soon as it's done so someone else could use the machines. It was a pain to have your laundry ready to go but all the machines full of (finished!) laundry.
  9. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Wow, if you have to pay for doing you laundry I hope I end up in the commons again! If not, and there's machines with finished laundry, I think I'd just take it out and start my own...
  10. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    oh goodness...if it's the much effort to wash my clothes I think I may be wearing dirty clothes for a while :S

    Fingers crossed for the commons!
  11. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    Or patterson, I'm sure patterson will have their own washers/dryers.
    I live at home, not on campus, so washing and drying is free for me!!
    If I end up not in commons/patterson, someone who does please be my friend so i can use your washer!
  12. beck-y

    beck-y New Member

    I think it would be a bit of a pain carting your wasing over to commons... just pay the $2.
  13. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    you could always handwash stuff at home in the sink lol ;)
  14. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    hey it's costing me enough to make this happen, and i know i'm not coming home with any money, having already invested like 800 dollars in this internship. i'm not paying to wash my clothes!
  15. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    haha I know how you feel. I really hope I get the "free" washers and dryers lol.
  16. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    well why anyone would want to steal disney uniformas i would never know, there are plenty around the place and i know there is a detergent, plus you could always just take your costumes to be washed at costuming
  17. ~Disney_Princess~

    ~Disney_Princess~ New Member

    I think people are more worried about their real clothes lol. But I can't see why someone would steal clothes of any kind so I don't think we have to worry...I hope. But I'd have no problem confronting someone if I saw them wearing my missing clothes lol ;)
  18. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    One time at work, someone stole a shirt that had my name on it. I was so angry. And someone else stole a girl's shoes once too. It's ridiculous.
    And maybe not stealing, necessarily, but like, taking my stuff out and putting their stuff in so they can save the buck.
  19. MegD

    MegD New Member

    I can't see them doing that...yuck. Too messy haha. I hardly ever did laundry (well, I did it when I ran out of clean clothes, but I had plenty of clothes so it was ok.), so the money wasn't a big deal for me. It's a pain cause it seems like they're nickel and diming you every time you turn around but it's really not that bad (especially if you're used to paying for your laundry at uni or whatever).
  20. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    The money shouldn't really be a problem though. Because the machines where you have to pay is in the older complexes and the rent is cheaper there, so it shouldn't make much difference...

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