What Time Is It? ......... App Review Time!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Lauralaura21, Aug 1, 2009.

  1. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    Its application review time for the Brits!! Whoooo! ;D
  2. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    haha, this made me think of the old schgol "does everybody know what time it is?....................... tool time!. thats right. binford tools is proud to present, tim 'the tool man' taylor."

    haha used to love that show
  3. sangreazul8

    sangreazul8 Active Member

    actually yesterday i watched it!! what a great show, i miss it :'(
  4. Mallz

    Mallz New Member

    haha, i love that show. pretty much seen all the episodes i think
  5. My mum and dad act exactly the same as Tim and Jill and their names are Jim and June. Seriously, it freaks most people out. And my dad resembles tim allen quite abit.
  6. Dan7

    Dan7 New Member

    Seen every single episode. They used to have that thing at Studios where u could take Tims place in a scene haha
  7. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    my friend brought me a boxset of home improvemnt ;D best pressie ever
  8. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    tim allens a legend .. i wood so love your dad lol
  9. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    boxset ? :O i want it? pleaseee natalieeeee :D

    my parents r also a bit like them, but i dont think id like tim and jill as parents tho, mine are embarrasing enough as it is lol
    love em tho :D
  10. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    my dad always is a joker but hes annoyingly like tht , his jokes tend to involve been rude and makin fun of people and its always my brother tht gets layed into lol

    :D yep my lovely boxset if ur a lucky boy and behave urself i may let u borrow it lol
  11. disney.freak

    disney.freak Guest

    you know i behave myself :) and what if i say

    pweeeeeeasssssssssseeeee :)
  12. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    oh ok go on then :D
  13. I would love embarrassing parents like that, mine are so normal and relaxed, they've never embarrassed me at all. Damn.

    And p.s I always think when someone calls a grown man 'boy' it sounds like flirting.
  14. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    trust me u dont lol my dads awful ..

    and i never flirt ::)
  15. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    u ok 2day jim ?? :D
  16. Yes, im very tired tho. breakfast shifts really take it out of ya!
  17. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    ah i got the day of today *yay*
  18. Lauralaura21

    Lauralaura21 New Member

    Lucky I wish that I had today off!
  19. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    i go work at 8 tomoro boo hoo nah im jokin i like it

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