What Universities are People from in the UK?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by disney_mad_2008, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. seanny boy

    seanny boy New Member

    i am from Newcastle but i go to Sunderland University. i am going August 10th cant wait. Sean
  2. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    I'm from Durham and go to Durham Uni :D
  3. Bringing the Magic

    Bringing the Magic New Member

    No one at Hull Uni knew while i was there. Only found out by chatting to a bar maid in the rose and crown last time i was there.
  4. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    i'm at universty of manchester. it's not advertissed anywhere here but i met someone else from here in 06
  5. *Aliya*

    *Aliya* New Member

    i'm from Glasgow and there was never anything advertised about Disney - i found out about the ICP quite randomly on the internet tho i knew about the cultural rep programme from someone who'd been before.
  6. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    I'm from the UCCA in Farnham and i know nobody at the uni who's ever done anythign disney related! i found out about just searching on the internet about 4 years ago
  7. Hannah M

    Hannah M New Member

    I'm from Reading uni and no one hear seems 2 hav heard about the ICP
  8. missdipika

    missdipika New Member

    Im from Brunel University... any 1 else? xxxx
  9. amisha162

    amisha162 New Member

    anyone here from queen mary's? i dont think many from my uni done this, i only realli found out about it on milkround
  10. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I'm from Bournemouth Uni and apparently they usually have a few applying (we have a really good tourism course) but this year I am the only one! Having said that, I applied through Yummy Jobs rather than through my uni...everyone I talk to has never heard of working for disney!! 8)

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