Whats it like there at the Commons?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by kevinb6285, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. kevinb6285

    kevinb6285 New Member

    Hey there,

    My name is Kevin, im 20 and moving to the comons as a cultural representative on the 29th of March. I'm from Kent in England and am so excited about moving to Orlando! Just wanting some feedback from anyone! Please message me anything you want to tell me!

  2. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    aww wow kevin thats cool.

    well i'm sara, 20, from staffordshire, uk. i head out to florida june 21st so 3 months or so after you, so i'll c u out there :)

  3. kevinb6285

    kevinb6285 New Member

    wow thats cool, i will have to look out for you, good to know someone my age will be out there too! i see your on msn, i just added you, my email is kevinb6285@hotmail.com so add me too! hope to speak soon!
  4. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    yeah thats cool, im 21 not soon after arriving, 10th july, will be good celebrating my 21st out there!

  5. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Hi Kevin!
    Great to talk to another new cm!
    Im Marie i just turned 23 and im from staffs too, but study and live in Edinburgh...
    Heading out JUne 14th
  6. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    hey Kevin my names Lindsey. I'm 19 and from Inverness. I move out on the 14th of june! cant wait!

    I've added you to my msn. hope thats ok. mines Lindsey_85@hotmail.com i think but it'll most likely prompt you to add me anyways! good thing too as I'm always getting mine wrong!

  7. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol marie & linz, u buncha plonkers ;)

  8. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    It's awesome, the best time of your life. I'm afraid you will have to find the rest out for yourself ;D

  9. RCP

    RCP New Member

    Whatever we said, can be compared with the real thing... Go live it, Commons is a unique experience, different for everyone and life marking.... believe me! you will make a difference after and before commons.. that dramaticaly changing!

  10. robynchic

    robynchic New Member

    Commons is better than Vista Way or Chatham. I've never lived there, so I don't know what it's really like.

    But the only bit of advice I can give is make SURE you give yourself enough time to get to the buses, wait for the buses, and get to work ALL ON TIME. The bus drivers will not stop if you chase after them. And they leave right on time to the schedule. I usually got on a bus that was about an hour before my shift started. Because at Epcot, once you get to the main building, you have to walk through to more buses (unless you're fairly close to the main building) and get on another bus to reach your work location
  11. Sparky

    Sparky Member

    Awww, your all making me feel bad, I WANNA GO BACK!!!!! boo hoo!!!!

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