When are you flying out?

Discussion in 'Walt Disney World College Program' started by hannahike, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. hannahike

    hannahike New Member

    Thought id start some new topics, get this board rolling... heehee

    So when are you due to fly out?

    Han x :p
  2. Michael

    Michael New Member

    Im goin out on the morning of May 30th!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    im still oblivious to just how many people are goin out that day though? i know of about 5 or 6 a the most....
  3. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member


    Flying out on the 4th of June from Glasgow to Chicago then down to Orlando!

    There are ment to be (so far) 18 other people flying on the same day but not the same airport i think. My question is - Where are you all?

  4. hannahike

    hannahike New Member

    may be a stupid question but hey im gna ask it anyway....

    why flyin 2 chicago and the orlando?

    if i get through i will be flyin out on the may 30th
  5. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    Its not a stupid question - I asked it myself :p

    You book your flights with STA travel and thats the only one they had flying from Glasgow on the 4th. They only work with some airlines - i'm flying with American airlines (and i think most other people are) and they dont go direct.

    I think other people have changes in New York and some people on the 4th will be flying from other airports and meeting in Chicago.

    Why Chicago i have no idea ??? It seems i really strange way to go and the airport is huge! i was looking at it on Google Earth, its not so many runways.

    So in short - flying to Chicago then Orlando cause it was the only flights i could get on that day with that company


    added you to my msn - hope you dont mind
  6. soumya86

    soumya86 New Member

    Im flying out june 20th! Woo Hoo!
  7. in answer to why you fly to Chicago - it is the "hub" for American Airlines...every airline has a hub where almost all of it's flights connect to. :)
  8. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    Thanks Tessa

    I'm quite excited about going to Chicago, the airport is huge! and i've got six hours to kill on the way back so i think i'll take my time exploring it.

  9. KC

    KC New Member

    I'm flyin' out in the morning of May 30th at around 11:30am Irish time. Then it's on to New York and will be arriving in Florida for 5:30pm or so...

    Cant wait!
  10. Feefo

    Feefo New Member

    I'm flying out on May 30th too. Glasgow-Chicago-Orlando.

    Time is passing soooooo quickly! We r gonna be there soon!
  11. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

    June 20th all going well from Manchester hopefully. Still kept in dark about alot of things, Still no visa, Airline tickets, Medical Inurance. Anyone else same?
  12. carly-anne

    carly-anne Guest

    Hey guys!
    I'm Carly from winnipeg, canada... I'm super excited i just got called for a face to face in toronto in 6 days!!! I cant believe how fast this process is happening.. anyway wish me luck and i hope to meet all of you if (cross ur fingers) i get invited to work at disney!
  13. hannahike

    hannahike New Member


    Good Luck with ur F2F... hope i see you there!!

  14. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    I fly out June 11. Haven't booked my flights yet though.
  15. Dave

    Dave New Member

    I'm flying out on June 25th from Manchester with American airlines. it sounds like i'm gonna be a loner cos my flight connects in Boston then on to Orlando.

    Did everyone else book through disney's recomended company? i decided to book through STA cos the guide price they told us at the interveiws seemed a bit steep!!! :-\
  16. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    Aw Dave i'm sure there will be someone else with you! :)

    At the moment i seem to be the only one flying on the 4th from Glasgow but the guy at STA said there where 18 other people on my flight - not sure if thats from Glasgow or from the connection in Chicago.

    Which was the company that Disney recommended? I booked with STA cause thats what it said on the little blue form thing, still cost a fortune though :D

  17. Chrissie

    Chrissie New Member

    Im flying out on May 30th too, with Fiona, Glasgow-Chicago-Orlando!
  18. heatherh

    heatherh New Member

    am flying you on the 25th from manchester too but with the company yummy recommended ifly via philidelphia! my flights at 11.15 or something!have you checked that our flights arrive simialr time in florida? so we all travel together?
  19. lisab

    lisab New Member

    im going may 30th too....dont know flight times yet..but still exciting
  20. Tigger:-D

    Tigger:-D New Member

    Im flying out from Manchester on the 30th May! at 11:20am via Philadelphia and arrive at 6:40pm. I cant wait ;D

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