when do we apply for 2012?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by blue.eyed.girl.australia, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. hey guys!!
    i know it's kinda early...but i finish school this year and am really interested in the program.. :)
    does anyone know when to apply for next year?
    & do i have to be enrolled at a university in my country first? ahh just a bit confused! please help!
    thank you! :)
  2. ferti

    ferti New Member

    yes you do...you have to be enrolled in a Uni before starting the applying for ICP cause they ask you some documents that you have to make it sign by your uni
  3. Keri_07

    Keri_07 New Member

    Hi! You have to have completed at least your first year of uni/tafe or graduated no more than 12 months before leaving Australia :)
  4. cammysan

    cammysan New Member

    Would you call studying through Open Universities as an accredited post-secondary education institution?

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