Hi everybody! I was wondering if anyone knows when the CRP starts. Is it like once a month, twice a year or what? Kind of good to know when you're planning... And another thing: I'm from Norway, and have been trying to get in touch with the people in France that represent Disney, but they won't answr my e-mails. What do I do? Feel free to add me on msn: ingrid_stroms@hotmail.com
Hi Ingrid ! I'm not quite sure when the CRP starts but one thing regarding the France people. Keeeeeeeeeep writing them... It took me about 2months to get a reply but I think they replied just becoz my last email was a little "I neeeed a response!!email" loll They are very busy people I guess but dont loose hope, write and write again till they get back to u. Good luck!
The start dates are staggered through the year, I think its generally once a month or something, I'm not sure how often the arrival groups are though and the dates change a bit from year to year. Theres a good few start dates in the year though
Thanks guys I finally received an e-mail from International Services in France, you're right, they seem really busy