Who r u??

Discussion in 'Walt Disney World College Program' started by hannahike, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. Members Only

    Members Only New Member

    Wow, I didnt see this board. :p

    Names Luke (19), and I’m flying out on May 30h as well, but from Heathrow, and most of you lot seem to be going from Manchester :(

    Oh well, I guess I'll cya out there, lol ;D

    I really need to put a picture up in my avatar thingy so peeps can put name to face, and all that.

    Oh yeah, Im working in Operations, and currently studying Film Studies, at Uni of Wolverhamtpon (Live in B'ham).

    MSN is Rolldeeep@hotmail.com (Really need to get a new E-Mail add, what was I thinking all those years ago lol) if anybody wants too add me.
  2. *amy*

    *amy* New Member

    hi im amy

    flying from manchester on 30th may so excited never been to florida before argh!!!!

    msn : lil_star1986@hotmail.com feel free to add me i get a bit confused as to who is who on these discussion board thingys see you all soon x
  3. Colin

    Colin Member

    *Waves at Amy*

    I'm not supposed to post here really ;) Cultural Rep not ICP hehe! But I had to say Hi to my friend Amy :) We used to meet up for days at Alton Towers all those years ago heh, with our friend Sarah! Was a bit of a shock when Sarah told me Amy was applying for the ICP just after i'd had my Telephone Interview hehe :)

  4. sazzykj

    sazzykj New Member

    Hey people
    My names Sarah, am currently studying education studies and RE at chester uni.
    Originally come from shropshire and i fly out on the 30th May from Manchester.
    When out at disney i wil be working in merchandise.
    My messenger address is sazzykj@hotmail.com if you want to add me, would love to meet people flying on the same day.

    Cya over there!!!!
  5. AndrewW

    AndrewW New Member

    Hey guys just to be a little different, im flying out from glasgow on the 11th of june. Is anyone else going over on the 11th? I cant wait im far to excited now!!!

  6. Tom19

    Tom19 New Member

    Hey guys....Operations on the summer program, June 11th out of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada...I'm 21 and doing a Bachelor of Commerce degree here at University of Victoria, 'cept unlike Matt the nearest NHL team to me didn't make the playoffs because they suck.

    Anyway...unrelated. Feel free to drop me a line...shoots_scores@hotmail.com
  7. yohann

    yohann New Member

    hiya im also flying out on june 11th yey! sooooooooo excited ;D where ya flying from? im flying with me freind from gatwick
  8. doowop

    doowop New Member

    Im Mike and im an alcoholic!! i bet thats been used sooo many times!! never gets old tho!!

    Im 21 and work for a car finance company in liverpool.. i'll be heading to a food and bevarage position at epcot in september!!
  9. sanita

    sanita New Member

    I will be going down Aug 2 for the Fall program just found out today
  10. Hels

    Hels New Member


    I'm Helen and i'm in 3rd year at the University of Stirling studying Business Law. I'm heading out on 30th may from Dublin to be a lifeguard!! Can't wait!

    My hotmail is hels_angel@hotmail.com....give me a shout if ur flying out on the same day as me or just to say hey!!

  11. Elaine!

    Elaine! New Member


    I'm Elaine -18yr old medical student from glasgow! i'm flying out from gatwick on june 25th and am working in operations for the summer!

    How many peeps are just going for the summer cause it seems on loads of the other topics everyone is going out for the year??

    my msn is elmcg21@hotmail.com . feel free to add me and have a wee chat!!

    Elaine xx
  12. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    Hey Elaine

    Most people on this board should just be going for the summer apart from those doing the year long college program - i'll admit it can get abit confusing sometimes working out who's doing what :)

    Anyway see you out there
  13. Dav

    Dav New Member

    Hey Guys

    I'm david from france , i'm curently in a second years in a school ingeneer .
    I Flying out 23th to be a life guard i'm so exciting just 4 more weeks to wait .
    So if you want tchat feel free to add me in msn : cube77fr@hotmail.com

    Bye bye
  14. jenn1984

    jenn1984 Guest

    Hi everyone. My name is Jen, I'm 21 and from the west coast of Scotland. I have just completed the 2nd year of a Retailing degree and I'm flying out to Orlando on 30th May from Gatwick. Only seven days to go. Sooooooooo excited.

  15. GeorgyGirl

    GeorgyGirl New Member

    Hey! I'm Georgina, currently at portsmouth uni studying psychology with criminology (2nd year). I'm heading out 11th June to work in merch!

    My msn is watch_it_buddy@hotmail.com!

  16. Soda106

    Soda106 New Member

    Heyyy everyone!

    Im Amanda, 18, from Vancouver BC. Heading down August 29th for F&B!! :D

    Seee you all there !

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