Very few people would haev gotten them allready. The interviews ended yesterday and I figured that they were going to need a few days to straigten them out. There was one girl on here from halifax who got a call today for a June 13th job. I think that was one of the extra positions they had that the recient interview weren't origianally for. I think the calls for this fall are probably a week away or so (watch me get prooved wrong because I'd like to be). Don't get your hopes up, some people from the fall didn't get a call until a few days before their deadline. So I don't expect one until later this month anyway.
When i heard that someone from Halifax got an offer already that scared me because i haven't heard anything and it makes you wonder how they got a call so quickly...
Jorden - I wouldn't even get your hopes up for a call a week November they took right up untill the end date to call everyone. Plan on getting called 2 or 3 days before the 27th...then if they call sooner - great. If they don't, you knew they wouldn't.
I really would try not to worry too much. They won't call everyone on the same day. thats for SURE, and they give themselves time to go through everything, get information straightened, just like jorden was saying. And if you were applying to start later than June, I would say those people will probably be called later, I would assume that they would go in order.
yeah tessa I'm not expecting one for a while, but that dosn't stop me from freaking out when the phone rings or I get a new e-mail at my special CAW/Disney e-mail. Also the Halifax girl I think got the call because she could go on one of their shot notice positions so they needed to let her know quickly.
Jeff said to me that F&B sports were probably gonna start in July, so that's why I'm confused on her start date in June..
yeah if I'm remembering everything correctly snow.white87 starts about June 13 and her F2F was in November. I wouldn't worry too much about it because it's awefully early for anyone to get a phone call unless they're filling a few short notice spots that are open.
Yeah so then this was defonatly a spot they couldn't fill from your interview rounds because why else would someone who just had a F2F a week ago be going before someone who had theirs months ago.
Well it's just like how Johns joining you in 3 weeks... maybe people backed out or something, who knows...
I had the offer to go last year but had no choice but to pass it up, so I tried again this year and I don't know if that's a plus or bad thing for me.
And judging from another topic on here that just popped up theres another person who got the call today... I'm so freaking anxious now even though I don't expect one for a few weeks... this is gonna be murder!
Hey guys, this is crazy some people getting emails some getting calls. Im starting to stress out. I have been talking to a few people from the halifax interviews that are not on this forum that did not get emails today. Im really starting to question the whole thank you email. My friend did this whole thing last year and she doesn't recall getting a thank you email but was offered a job. ??? I just want this waiting period to be over.
Please someone stop me from calling too soon!! Make sure idon't make a fool of myself or something!! :-[